of a king, and you've pretty much got Jupiter's influence pegged. Jupiter plants
tend to be large and bold. They often offer nutritious fruits or seeds or have
yellow flowers (yellow being one of this planet's colors). They can be
aromatic, although generally not in the same was as Mercury plants. In terms
of effects, Jupiter plants cause a warm feeling of sedate contentment without
any dopeyness or stupefaction. Crowley's designation of Jupiter's scents as
"generous" is apt. This is an open-handed king, not a tyrant or a
miser. If your ritual focuses on religion, faith, law, or authority, using this
planetary influence is a good idea.
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Jupiter Associations | Jupiter Sign | Jupiter Stones | Jupiter Plants | Jupiter Colors | Jupiter Time | Jupiter Plant Qualities | Jupiter Animals | Jupiter Body Parts & Personal Aspects | Jupiter Beings | Jupiter Scents | Jupiter Drugs | Jupiter Places | Jupiter Music | Jupiter Magick | |
Jupiter Tin Fortune X 20, K koph (palm, open hand) Deities of storms, sky, wind, fatherhood Adonai Tsevaot Amon-Ra Chango Dagda Indra Itzamna Izanagi Jove Jumala Jupiter Kitchki Manitou Nuada Num Odin Ran Reshpu Ukko Uwolowu Viracocha Vishnu Were Yehovah Yu-Wang-Shang-Ti Zeus |
Amethyst Lapis Lazuli |
Anise Ash Avens Balm Balm of Gilead Barberry root* Barley stem* Bayberry bark* Beet, White Beet root* Bell pepper fruit* Betony Bitter aloe leaf* Black walnut nut* Bladderwrack* Blessed thistle* Blood Root Blue cohosh root* Borage Brazil nut seed* Buchu leaf* Buckbush stem* Bull Bay Butcher's broom root* Carrot root* Cascara sagrada bark* Catnip* Chamomile* (seed, herb, essential oil) Chaparral* Chervil Chestnut Chicory Chinese borage Chinese cornbind root* Chinese ginseng root* Chinese magnolia vine fruit* Chinese red pine Chinese tulip tree Cinquefoil (seed, herb) Clove Pink Clover Coconut nut* Comfrey root* Common thyme leaf* Coneflower root* Corn kernel* Costmary Couch grass* Crampbark bark* Cucumber Tree Curly dock root* Damiana leaf* Dandelion root* Devil's claw root* Dock DogbaneDong quai root* Dulse* Dyer's Broom Dyer's ChamomileEchinacea root* English filbert seed* European mistletoe leaf* European nettle leaf* Pennyroyal (seed, herb, essential oil)* Eyebright* Fennel seed* Fenugreek seed* Feverfew* Field horsetail* Fig Garlic bulb* Ginger rhizome* (essential oil) Gobo root* Goldenseal root* Gotu kola leaf* Grape stem* |
Grapefruit fruit*Grey
Sage Hart's Tongue Hawthorne fruit* Helen's FlowerHops (seeds) Houseleek HydrangeaHyssop Ilawarra flame Indian chocolate Irish moss*Juniper berries* Kurrajong Lacebark Ladyslipper root* Lamb's ears Lamb's tongue Licorice root* Linden Lion's ears Lobelia (seeds, herb)* Lungwort Magnolia Ma Huang* Maple Tree Marshmallow root* Marsh woundwort Milk thistle Mint Mullein leaf* Native WormwoodNoble fir Nutmeg Oak Tree Oats* Olive Tree Pau d'arco bark* Peach bark* Pecan nut* Peppermint leaf* Poplar Psyllium seed* Pumpkin seed* Red clover flower* Red silky oak Rosehips* Roselle flower* Safflower bloom* Sage leaf* Sage, white Samphire Sarsaparilla root* Saucer magnolia Scarlet SageScullcap* Scurvy Grass Shagbark hickory seed* Siberian bugloss Slippery elm bark* Smooth hydrangea root* Spanish bayonet root* Spotted dog Stevia leaf* Sweetgum (seed) Terebinth Tonka beanTulip Tree Tulip Poplar Unicorn Root Valerian (seed, herb, essential oil) Walnut Waratah West Indian lemongrass* White oak bark* White sage (herb, seed)White sagewort White willow bark* Wild daggah Wild yam root* Woundwort Yarrow* Yellow gentian root* |
Violet Bright Blue Rayed Yellow Rich Purple Blue |
Nutritious fruits like olives and figs, and nuts Aromatic plants Medicinal plants affect the arteries or liver Often bright yellow and bitter (bile) Plants that make one feel expansive, relaxed, calm, warm but not sedated or sleepy |
Eagle |
Liver, Digestive system Metabolism, anabolic and building processes of the body, nourishment, fatty tissues Illnesses from poor judgment, like alcoholism or anorexia Basic philosophy or approach to life, judgment Optimism Expansiveness, extending understanding, friendliness Religion, faith, law |
Incubi Nightmares |
generous odors Burgundy pitch Copaiba balsam Copol oroFruits of Jupiter IncenseGum ammoniac Lightning Dance IncenseLime Magnolia Mint (seeds) Norway spruceNutmeg Oak Oil of JupiterRed Rose (herb, seed, essential oil Red Sandalwood Saffron Sage |
Cocaine Tonics that stimulate appetite or herbs that affect weight Laxatives |
Power of political ascendancy; weapon is the sceptre;
figures are the square and the rhombus Optimism, opportunity, expansion, enlargement Works involving religion, faith, law Works against Saturn influences |
Fire of Jupiter Associations | Fire of Jupiter Sign | Fire of Jupiter Stones | Fire of Jupiter Plants | Fire of Jupiter Colors | Fire of Jupiter Time | Fire of Jupiter Plant Qualities | Fire of Jupiter Angel & Animals | Fire of Jupiter Body Parts | Fire of Jupiter Beings | Fire of Jupiter Scents | Fire of Jupiter Drugs | Fire of Jupiter Places | Fire of Jupiter Music | Fire of Jupiter Magick | |
(Fire) Art XIV 60, U Samekh (arrow) Nephthys Apollo Artemis the Huntress Vishnu |
Sagittarius | Sapphire Amethyst Diamond Jacinth |
Wallflower Clovepink Sage Rush |
Lilac Mauve Purple Amethyst Blue Dark vivid blue Green Yellow |
Thursday |
Nutritious fruits like olives and figs, and nuts Aromatic plants Medicinal plants affecting the arteries or liver Plants that make one feel expansive, relaxed, calm, warm but not sedated or sleepy |
Sachiel Centaur Horse Hippogriff Dog |
Hips & thighs | Centaurs | Wood aloes Carnation Sage |
-- |
Power of transmutation; weapon is the arrow (swift and straight
application of force); figure is acquisitio Optimism, opportunity, expansion, enlargement Works involving religion, faith, law |
Water of Jupiter Associations | Water of Jupiter Sign | Water of Jupiter Stones | Water of Jupiter Plants | Water of Jupiter Colors | Water of Jupiter Time | Water of Jupiter Plant Qualities | Water of Jupiter Angels & Animals | Water of Jupiter Body Parts | Water of Jupiter Beings | Water of Jupiter Scents | Water of Jupiter Drugs | Water of Jupiter Places | Water of Jupiter Music | Water of Jupiter Magick | |
- Neptune (Water) The Moon XVIII 100, Q Koph (back of head) Anubis Scarab Poseidon Vishnu |
Pisces | Sapphire Amethyst Coral Pearl |
Heliotrope Carnation Poppy Unicellular organisms |
Purple Violet Sea Green Crimson Ultra violet Stone color Light translucent pinkish brown (color of shell) Buff flecked with silver white |
Thursday |
Soft, intoxicating, and gentle plants Nutritious fruits like olives and figs, and nuts Aromatic plants Medicinal plants affecting the arteries or liver Soft and gently intoxicating plants |
Sachiel Asariel Fish Dolphin |
Legs & feet | Phantoms Werewolves |
Ambergris Carnation Heliotrope |
Narcotics |
Bewitchments, casting illusions; weapons are the mirror, twilight;
figure is laetitia Optimism, opportunity, expansion, enlargement Works involving religion, faith, law |
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