Let’s Talk Witch – Making Magick Potions
The art of making potions goes back to the earliest civilizations and in terms of history, as one of the oldest crafts known to humankind. Brewing beer, making wine, and infusing potions are traditions that have been perfected through time. Many of the techniques making a great beer, wine or potion are the same. The mixture is often called a wort. The wort is then put through a process, which in the case of potions, gives it magickal properties.The different ways of making potions stem from ancient medicinal and alchemical recipes, formulas that you can put together from basic ingredients in the privacy of your own kitchen. Historically magick love potions also called
philters, were often made of unappealing ingredients. You had to be extremely thristy or unaware of the contents to sip one. Today, this isn’t the case as most potion ingredients are tasty and appealing.
Potion brews can be anything from an herb tea to a fruit smoothie. One of the main things to remember when making any potion is to make it taste good if a person is going to drink it. If you are using a potion primarily for its scent, for example in a powder form, then make sure it smells good. Try to avoid unfortunate situations like the infamous wizard Aleister Crowley found himself in when he developed a perfume potion for sex magick called “It.” Great idea Aleister, but nothing came of “It,” because the stuff reputedly had a horrid smell!
Before you make your potion, be sure that you have all the ingredients and tools you will need at your fingertips. Following is a list of potion-making tools you will need:
*A ceramic, earthenware, glass, or wood bowl
*A pot, preferably one that is NOT made of metal, for brewing the potion
*A wooden spoon for stirring the potion
*Cheesecloth for straining the potion
*A mortar and pestle for grinding potion ingredients
*A container for the potion
Clean, preferably sterilize, all of your tools, especially the potion container. You can clean containers by carefully pouring boiling water into them, or you can put the container in the dishwasher, running it through the entire cycle and turning on the heat/dry cycle. This also does a good job of sterilizing contatiners. If you don’t have time to properly clean the chalice, cup, glass or other containers the potion is going in, then just make sure that it is as clean as possible. Any residue may taint the potion.
The kind of water you use is important when preparing a magick potion. Spring, well, rain, and distilled waters are better than tap water, which often contains chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. Well water with no harmful contaminants can be used; rain water can be used as long as there aren’t any pollutants in it; and distilled water can be used for potions, but it is inert. Unless the recipe calls for it, I seldom use sea water or mineral water due to their mineral content.
Witches and wizards make potions by mixing one, two, a few or many ingredients together into one. Sometimes the ingredients are used just as they are. Other times they are ground up, shredded, pureed or crushed with your fingers or with the mortar and pestle. The herbs that go into your potion can be either fresh or dried. If you use fresh herbs, it take three times more of them than dried herbs. For example, if a potion recipe calls for one teaspoon of dried sage leaves and you want to use fresh sage, it would take three teaspoons of fresh sage to make the potion.
Processes call infusions and decoctions are also employed. An infusion, the most common method of internal herbal preparation, is usually in the form of a tea. It can also take the form of magick water. The infusion method works best when the potion you are making requires soft plant parts, such as leaves, flowers or green steams.
When using the infusion method of preparing potions, there are a couple of things you can do to make your potion more effective. One thing is to brew aromatic ingredients such as garlic and clove, in a pot with a lid that fits
on tight. The reason for this is to keep from losing the natural oils of the aromatic ingredients to evaporation. These natural oils are important for the effectiveness of the potion.
Some ingredients are sensitive to heat, so you can make a cold infusion by soaking the herbs in water for anywhere from 6 to 12 hours. A sealed earthenware pot is best for cold infusions. When preparing potions using the infusion method, only make enough for immediate use as infusions rapidly lose their potency.
The method for making a decoction potion is similar to the infusion. You begin by grinding your ingredients into a powder that you can then make your potions. Ingredients that are hard, such as bark and stems, require more heat to release their magickal properties. The use of more heat to release the natural oils of an ingredient is primary difference between the infusion and decoction methods of potion making.
The decoction method would be the one most associated with the traditional use of magick cauldrons. In this way, dried herbal ingredients are ground into powder and are cut into small piedes, and then added to the potion. The potion is made in a pot, and the ingredients are simmered and boiled in order to release their magickal properties. Again in the case of aromatic ingredients, you should use a lid on the pot to slow the evaporation process. The amount of time that you heat the mixture depends on the potion recipe. Usually decoction are strained to eliminate the hard bark and stems before using them.
At times, potions use both methods in their recipe. In this case prepare the two separately as a decoction and infusion, and then mix the ingredients together after the decoction has cooled. By doing so, the infusion ingredients are not ruined by the heat that the decoction process requires. Always stir clockwise.
Nine Easy Steps for Making A Magickal Potion
1. Gather together all the ingredients you
will need to make the potion. Light a chandle if you like, matching its
color and dedication to your purpose. Be sure to place your candle(s)
near your working surface as a focusing tool, but not in the way.
2. Draw a magick circle around your working
area. For example, if you are working in the kitchen, draw a magick
circle around the entire room.
3. Call in the Elemental powers to your circle. A shorthand method for doing this is by saying something like:
“I ask that the generous powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water come into this circle> Come I pray you.”
4. Call in the spirit, the Divine, into your circle by saying something like:
“May the Divine Ones enter into this circle and bless this potion with their Divine power.”
5. Next, empower the potion ingredients.
6. Make the potion.
7. Empower the potion once more with a magickal incantation and then use it immediately.
8. Thank the elements and spirits.
9. Pull up the magick circle and put everything away.
(Don’t direct it or it’s your karma)
Materials Needed:
9 oz. sweet red wine
9 basil leaves
9 red rose petals
9 cloves
9 apple seeds
9 drops vanilla extract
9 drops strawberry juice
1 ginseng root, cut into 9 equal pieces
9 oz. sweet red wine
9 basil leaves
9 red rose petals
9 cloves
9 apple seeds
9 drops vanilla extract
9 drops strawberry juice
1 ginseng root, cut into 9 equal pieces
By the light of 9 pink votive candles, put these nine ingredients into a
cauldron on the 9th hour of the 9th day of the 9th month of they year.
Stir the potion 9 times with a wooden spoon, each time recite the
following magickal incantation:
Let the one who drinks this wine
Shower me with love divine
Sweet Love Potion Number Nine
Make his/her love forever mine
Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 9
minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Blow 9 times upon the
potion, bless it in the names of nine goddesses. Strain through
cheesecloth (or coffee filter–it is the 90’s thank you). Store in a
clean container and refrigerate until you are ready to serve it to the
one from whom you desire love and affection.
Do not allow anyone other than your beloved look at, touch or drink the love potion.
*WARNING: extremely potent and should be used with caution. It’s results
can be very intense, long-lasting and difficult to control or reverse.*
(Don’t direct it or it’s your karma)
(Don’t direct it or it’s your karma)
6 drops of Patchouli oil
6 drops of Sandalwood oil
6 drops of Rose oil
6 drops of Clove oil
6 drops of Nutmeg oil
6 drops of Olive oil
Wear as a perfume whenever you’ll be in the presence of the person you’re trying to attract.
Be careful, this stuff is really
potent. And don’t be surprised if you find others eyeing you as well. I
find it’s pretty effective for getting a man’s attention. Substitute
amber oil for the rose oil in order to attract a woman.
Hot Foot Powder
Black pepperCayenne or habanero pepper
This is the classic Hoodoo version of Banishing Powder.
Grind the ingredients together to form a powder.
I don’t know if it is just that time of the year or everybody has lived by their neighbors long enough and they are fed up. I have had several ask for a way to get rid of their neighbors, stop them from coming over and so on. This Hot Foot Powder should do the trick. It is a well known Voodoo Powder and it does work. I know I have used it myself. You mix the ingredients up and most call for the powder being place in the footprints of the person you won’t to get rid off. Well, I did one better. I had a neighbor that would come over on Sundays (my only day off when I worked) and spend the day with me. I couldn’t get crap done. One Sunday, I got fed up. She got up and went to the bathroom. I sort of dusted the inside of her shoes with the Hot Foot Powder. She put her shoes on and walked out of my life for good. But this formula does work and if you need to get someone out of your life, it will do the job.
SOURCE: http://witchesofthecraft.com/category/potionspowders/
Ginger is an aromatic and warming spice.
The purpose of using ginger in this potion is because of its unique
strength of drawing sources of money (a quality which is present in
cinnamon, which is also part of this recipe).
Many years ago “Potions” were made by using herbs, plants, bark, roots, seeds and other materials from the land for a specific purpose, whether it was a practical use such as in cooking a meal potion, or used for a healing drinkable potion. Some potions were made as healing salves such as an herbalist in the modern day would make. In days gone by, the title "Herbalist" was not used nor was the term "Holistic Medicine." Years ago the titles that were given to potion makers were witch doctor, witches, healers, shaman, village healers, community midwives, or medicine man usually referring to an Indian. Most of what we know as potions of the past is what we now call folk medicine. Some folk medicine was done with a bit of a twist. Meaning..... depending on who you were, many potions required you to do something else to make it work like a ritual or spell if that was your belief.
Infusions work best for making tea from leaves and flowers as these plant parts give up their active constituents easily.
Allow the tea to steep for 10 to 20 minutes so the therapeutic properties can pass from the herb into the water.
To make an infused oil put dried herbs in the top of a double-boiler, cover with oil about an inch over the herb (olive works well for this because it has a fairly long shelf life), let simmer for 2 hours without letting it get too hot or boiling, a temp of 150 F is good. Strain the oil into a clean jar, date & label. Without any preservatives, infused oil will last about a year.
Teas made from roots and twigs are most often brewed by decoction because it is more difficult to extract their medicinal properties any other way.
Boil or simmer 1 to 2 teaspoons of the herb per cup of water for 10 to 20 minutes.
A poultice is a paste of chopped, fresh (or dried and then remoistened) plant material which is applied directly to a wound or skin infection. It is held in place by a wet dressing covered by a bandage. Poultices are most often used to prevent infection and hasten healing.
To make a poultice, boil, steam, or pound the healing herb of your choice to release more medicinal compounds. Then shape the material into a small, coin-size wad which can then lie flat against the wound. Many herbalists recommend mixing 1 part herb with 3 parts
water, alcohol, witch hazel or vinegar. Thicken with flour to make the poultice easier to handle and apply.
Stuff dried herbs into a jar, add enough alcohol (usually vodka or everclear (Natural grain alcohol), depending on the strength needed for the particular herb) to amply cover the herbs, and screw the lid on. Allow the mixture to stand for about a week, shaking it occasionally. Then strain it, discard the plant material, and store the tincture in a bottle with a dropper lid. Label and date the bottle. Most tinctures have a shelf life of 2 years.
To steep an herb in fat, such as done with salve and ointments. Best oils to use are almond and sesame. Warm one cup of oil over a low flame and place one-half ounce herbs wrapped in cheesecloth to soak. Continue until the herbs have lost their color and the oil is rich with their scent.
A tea or infusion meant only for external use. A mild form of a wash would be 1/4 ounce of herb to one pint of boiling water, steeped until lukewarm, then applied.
It would be good if you learned how to do all of these.
2 oz solid fat -such as Crisco, coconut oil, cocoa butter or lanolin
5 oz herb infused olive or grape seed oil
2 oz herb infused water
1 tsp (approximately) beeswax -shave or grate before use
3-5 drops essential oil, if desired for fragrance or effect
Gently melt a solid fat, wax and oil over double boiler or carefully in microwave; use low heat and stir until blended. Remove from heat.
Put water into blender or mixer bowl and agitate. While water is spinning, slowly pour the oil, fat, wax mixture into the water. Continue mixing until emulsified. You may notice a distinct change of sound as the cream congeals.
Remove cream, while still warm, into clean containers and leave open until completely cool. Label each jar with contents and date, be sure to note the date your herbal oil especially if it is much older than your cream.
Store in a cool, dark place; should stay fresh for 6 months to a year. Sniff before using and look for mold after 6 months. If the oil and water separate, just stir before using.
~ Roots, Bark, Twigs & Leaves~
Make a compress by dipping a clean cloth in an herbal solution - an infusion, decoction, tincture, or herbal vinegar. You can hold a poultice in place with a compress, in which case it doubles as a bandage. or, apply the compress directly to the skin (also called a fomentation).
Cracking skin salve!
Lemon Balm contains Eugenol which eases pain and calendula which is great for all types of skin conditions, and is very soothing.
2 cups olive oil or sunflower oil
3/4 each of lemon balm leaves and calendula leaves
tsp. beeswax and 1 tsp. cocoa butter or lanolin.
2 cups olive oil or sunflower oil (olive lasts longer)
3/4 cup lemon balm and calendula. Just throw handfuls in the measuring container until you get 3/4. Try to use equal amounts of each.
Mix together and place in top of double boiler. Simmer over low heat for 2 hours.
Remember to replace the water in bottom pot if it gets low.
Strain out herbs. (Use cheesecloth, a very thin metal strainer, a couple coffee filters, or a new knee-high nylon.)
In separate pan or bowl if using microwave, melt 2
tsp. beeswax and 1 tsp. cocoa butter or lanolin.
Add to the infused oil and stir until cool.
If you wanted to make this antibacterial, you would add a few drops of tea tree to it when it cools.
Put into jars and label!!!!! Add the date...You might think you'll remember what you made, but you won't
Olive Oil
Olive oil has many healing properties. An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, it also aids digestion and can help remedy constipation. Laden with monounsaturated fats, olive oil is also high in the essential fats necessary to help lower bad cholesterol levels as well as elevate the good cholesterol levels in the body.
Mixed with lemon and garlic, olive oil can be a powerful liver detoxifier. It is also anti-inflammatory, so it can help relieve some of the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Olive oil can also relieve minor skin irritations and wounds, as well.
Instead of butter, which is higher in saturated fat, try mixing a few tablespoons of olive oil with balsamic vinegar to enjoy with your bread. Olive oil seasoned with salt and pepper (or whatever herbs you may enjoy) adds health properties to steamed veggies and baked potatoes as well.
On a more esoteric note, olive oil represents the smoothness of life, as it represents a smooth path. It also symbolizes the ability to transition from one area of our life to another smoothly, while managing the next stage with ease.
Basic Lotion
1 oz. solid fat (Shea butter, cocoa butter, ect.)
3 oz. skin oil (almond, olive oil or another oil)
2 oz. Rosewater (or herb water of your choice)
5 drops oil of rose
5 drops essential oil of your choice
Melt the solid oil in a double boiler. Add the oil and Rosewater alternately, a bit at a time, stirring continuously. Remove from heat. Add essential oil and stir in completely. Pour into a 6-8oz. bottle. Shake almost continuously until cooled.
Avocado Facial Mask
2 tablespoons of mashed avocado
2 tablespoons of ground oats
1 tablespoon of honey
Combine all ingredients together with a fork in a small glass bowl. Apply to clean face and neck with fingertips in a circular motion, avoiding eye area. Leave on face/neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and gently pat dry with towel. Makes enough for one application.
SOURCE: http://www.wiccantogether.com/group/hedgewitch/forum/topics/lotions-and-potions-a-quickie-class
Ginger Tea Potion
Posted by High Priestess Altera
- 5 cups of water
- 1/4 cup of fresh ginger root, cleaned and finely chopped
- 1/4 cup of sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
Many years ago “Potions” were made by using herbs, plants, bark, roots, seeds and other materials from the land for a specific purpose, whether it was a practical use such as in cooking a meal potion, or used for a healing drinkable potion. Some potions were made as healing salves such as an herbalist in the modern day would make. In days gone by, the title "Herbalist" was not used nor was the term "Holistic Medicine." Years ago the titles that were given to potion makers were witch doctor, witches, healers, shaman, village healers, community midwives, or medicine man usually referring to an Indian. Most of what we know as potions of the past is what we now call folk medicine. Some folk medicine was done with a bit of a twist. Meaning..... depending on who you were, many potions required you to do something else to make it work like a ritual or spell if that was your belief.
Infusions work best for making tea from leaves and flowers as these plant parts give up their active constituents easily.
Allow the tea to steep for 10 to 20 minutes so the therapeutic properties can pass from the herb into the water.
To make an infused oil put dried herbs in the top of a double-boiler, cover with oil about an inch over the herb (olive works well for this because it has a fairly long shelf life), let simmer for 2 hours without letting it get too hot or boiling, a temp of 150 F is good. Strain the oil into a clean jar, date & label. Without any preservatives, infused oil will last about a year.
Teas made from roots and twigs are most often brewed by decoction because it is more difficult to extract their medicinal properties any other way.
Boil or simmer 1 to 2 teaspoons of the herb per cup of water for 10 to 20 minutes.
A poultice is a paste of chopped, fresh (or dried and then remoistened) plant material which is applied directly to a wound or skin infection. It is held in place by a wet dressing covered by a bandage. Poultices are most often used to prevent infection and hasten healing.
To make a poultice, boil, steam, or pound the healing herb of your choice to release more medicinal compounds. Then shape the material into a small, coin-size wad which can then lie flat against the wound. Many herbalists recommend mixing 1 part herb with 3 parts
water, alcohol, witch hazel or vinegar. Thicken with flour to make the poultice easier to handle and apply.
Stuff dried herbs into a jar, add enough alcohol (usually vodka or everclear (Natural grain alcohol), depending on the strength needed for the particular herb) to amply cover the herbs, and screw the lid on. Allow the mixture to stand for about a week, shaking it occasionally. Then strain it, discard the plant material, and store the tincture in a bottle with a dropper lid. Label and date the bottle. Most tinctures have a shelf life of 2 years.
To steep an herb in fat, such as done with salve and ointments. Best oils to use are almond and sesame. Warm one cup of oil over a low flame and place one-half ounce herbs wrapped in cheesecloth to soak. Continue until the herbs have lost their color and the oil is rich with their scent.
A tea or infusion meant only for external use. A mild form of a wash would be 1/4 ounce of herb to one pint of boiling water, steeped until lukewarm, then applied.
It would be good if you learned how to do all of these.
2 oz solid fat -such as Crisco, coconut oil, cocoa butter or lanolin
5 oz herb infused olive or grape seed oil
2 oz herb infused water
1 tsp (approximately) beeswax -shave or grate before use
3-5 drops essential oil, if desired for fragrance or effect
Gently melt a solid fat, wax and oil over double boiler or carefully in microwave; use low heat and stir until blended. Remove from heat.
Put water into blender or mixer bowl and agitate. While water is spinning, slowly pour the oil, fat, wax mixture into the water. Continue mixing until emulsified. You may notice a distinct change of sound as the cream congeals.
Remove cream, while still warm, into clean containers and leave open until completely cool. Label each jar with contents and date, be sure to note the date your herbal oil especially if it is much older than your cream.
Store in a cool, dark place; should stay fresh for 6 months to a year. Sniff before using and look for mold after 6 months. If the oil and water separate, just stir before using.
~ Roots, Bark, Twigs & Leaves~
Make a compress by dipping a clean cloth in an herbal solution - an infusion, decoction, tincture, or herbal vinegar. You can hold a poultice in place with a compress, in which case it doubles as a bandage. or, apply the compress directly to the skin (also called a fomentation).
Cracking skin salve!
Lemon Balm contains Eugenol which eases pain and calendula which is great for all types of skin conditions, and is very soothing.
2 cups olive oil or sunflower oil
3/4 each of lemon balm leaves and calendula leaves
tsp. beeswax and 1 tsp. cocoa butter or lanolin.
2 cups olive oil or sunflower oil (olive lasts longer)
3/4 cup lemon balm and calendula. Just throw handfuls in the measuring container until you get 3/4. Try to use equal amounts of each.
Mix together and place in top of double boiler. Simmer over low heat for 2 hours.
Remember to replace the water in bottom pot if it gets low.
Strain out herbs. (Use cheesecloth, a very thin metal strainer, a couple coffee filters, or a new knee-high nylon.)
In separate pan or bowl if using microwave, melt 2
tsp. beeswax and 1 tsp. cocoa butter or lanolin.
Add to the infused oil and stir until cool.
If you wanted to make this antibacterial, you would add a few drops of tea tree to it when it cools.
Put into jars and label!!!!! Add the date...You might think you'll remember what you made, but you won't
Olive Oil
Olive oil has many healing properties. An excellent source of vitamins and minerals, it also aids digestion and can help remedy constipation. Laden with monounsaturated fats, olive oil is also high in the essential fats necessary to help lower bad cholesterol levels as well as elevate the good cholesterol levels in the body.
Mixed with lemon and garlic, olive oil can be a powerful liver detoxifier. It is also anti-inflammatory, so it can help relieve some of the pain and inflammation of arthritis. Olive oil can also relieve minor skin irritations and wounds, as well.
Instead of butter, which is higher in saturated fat, try mixing a few tablespoons of olive oil with balsamic vinegar to enjoy with your bread. Olive oil seasoned with salt and pepper (or whatever herbs you may enjoy) adds health properties to steamed veggies and baked potatoes as well.
On a more esoteric note, olive oil represents the smoothness of life, as it represents a smooth path. It also symbolizes the ability to transition from one area of our life to another smoothly, while managing the next stage with ease.
Basic Lotion
1 oz. solid fat (Shea butter, cocoa butter, ect.)
3 oz. skin oil (almond, olive oil or another oil)
2 oz. Rosewater (or herb water of your choice)
5 drops oil of rose
5 drops essential oil of your choice
Melt the solid oil in a double boiler. Add the oil and Rosewater alternately, a bit at a time, stirring continuously. Remove from heat. Add essential oil and stir in completely. Pour into a 6-8oz. bottle. Shake almost continuously until cooled.
Avocado Facial Mask
2 tablespoons of mashed avocado
2 tablespoons of ground oats
1 tablespoon of honey
Combine all ingredients together with a fork in a small glass bowl. Apply to clean face and neck with fingertips in a circular motion, avoiding eye area. Leave on face/neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and gently pat dry with towel. Makes enough for one application.
SOURCE: http://www.wiccantogether.com/group/hedgewitch/forum/topics/lotions-and-potions-a-quickie-class
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