I don't know why I suddenly became attracted to the POPPETS....
Maybe I'm gonna make ones in the near future....
...But for the meantime..., here are some pics which will serve as my
Also..., i decided to include some info about it...
Also..., i decided to include some info about it...

is a life-like figure or doll made to represent a person or animal and is used in ritual, magic and spell-craft to effect change through the application of sympathetic or imitative magic
A poppet can be as simple or as elaborate as you like --
it all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it.
You can construct one out of just about any material -- cloth, clay, wood, wax. Use your imagination!
In some magical traditions, it's believed
that the more work you put into it,
and the more complex it is, the stronger your link will be to your goal.
Because a poppet is a device for sympathetic magic,
all of its components will be symbols of what it is you hope to achieve.
or it can be made ahead of time so you can use the poppet later on.
Which method you choose is really up to you.
is a life-like figure or doll made to represent a person or animal and is used in ritual, magic and spell-craft to effect change through the application of sympathetic or imitative magic
A poppet can be as simple or as elaborate as you like --
it all depends on how much time and effort you want to put into it.
You can construct one out of just about any material -- cloth, clay, wood, wax. Use your imagination!
In some magical traditions, it's believed
that the more work you put into it,
and the more complex it is, the stronger your link will be to your goal.
Because a poppet is a device for sympathetic magic,
all of its components will be symbols of what it is you hope to achieve.
Sympathetic Magic
works on the principles of “similarity” and “associated contact” (i.e. like
attracts and effects like).
is based on the belief that
someone or something can be magically affected by doing something
to an object
in one place, that represents a person or thing in another place.
To achieve this, a poppet is made as a representation
of a person or thing
and contains items associated with
or belonging to that same person or object.
Once made and magically charged, any action performed
upon the poppet,
is thought to cause or effect a similar reaction on the person
or object it represents.
The use of poppets in
witchcraft and magic is an age-old practice, but their potential uses
have long been closely guarded secrets, and as such there are an abundance of myths, folklore and superstition surrounding their use.
example, in more recent times poppets have been negatively aligned with the Voodoo Dolls of Haiti, which through popular fantasy fiction
portrayed in films and on T.V, are commonly associated with malicious intent -
revenge, hate or evil.

Dolls © SilkyRose)
poppets are more likely to be used for protection, prosperity, luck, love,
health and happiness.
However, as and when a need has been identified, they can also be
used for banishing and binding to prevent harm.
You can do your poppet-making as part of the working itself,or it can be made ahead of time so you can use the poppet later on.
Which method you choose is really up to you.

Poppets can be be fashioned from all kinds of materials, such as:
carved roots, grasses, grain stalks, corn husks, fruit, wood, paper, mud, wax, clay, metal or lead, all formed into a human shape.
These can then be dressed in simply made clothes and stuffed with
a variety herbs, stones and other magical items
needed to effect the purpose of the spell or work.
Ideally personal items associated with the person the poppet is intended for,
should be included in its preparation
i.e. it could be dressed in material taken from clothing once worn by the person,
a sample of handwriting or a photograph, personal items such as a lock of hair
or nail clippings, and even bodily fluids such as blood, semen or saliva.
The important thing is to create a link between the poppet and the intended recipient of the spell or work.
Remember, your poppet represents a person,
so figure out before you begin who it symbolizes.
Is it you? A friend who's asked you for help? An un-named lover you want to bring into your life?
A gossip you want to shut up?
The possibilities are endless, but just like in any spell working, you'll need to set a goal before you begin.
It keeps you from having to deal with "do-overs" later.
These instructions are for a basic poppet construction, using fabric.
Feel free to modify your design as you need to.
Poppets can be be fashioned from all kinds of materials, such as:
carved roots, grasses, grain stalks, corn husks, fruit, wood, paper, mud, wax, clay, metal or lead, all formed into a human shape.
These can then be dressed in simply made clothes and stuffed with
a variety herbs, stones and other magical items
needed to effect the purpose of the spell or work.
Ideally personal items associated with the person the poppet is intended for,
should be included in its preparation
i.e. it could be dressed in material taken from clothing once worn by the person,
a sample of handwriting or a photograph, personal items such as a lock of hair
or nail clippings, and even bodily fluids such as blood, semen or saliva.
The important thing is to create a link between the poppet and the intended recipient of the spell or work.

(Corn Dollies made by Tamra L. Consbruck © 2008)
so figure out before you begin who it symbolizes.
Is it you? A friend who's asked you for help? An un-named lover you want to bring into your life?
A gossip you want to shut up?
The possibilities are endless, but just like in any spell working, you'll need to set a goal before you begin.
It keeps you from having to deal with "do-overs" later.
These instructions are for a basic poppet construction, using fabric.
Feel free to modify your design as you need to.

Selecting Your Fabric
There are no real rules when it comes to choosing your material,
but it's not a bad idea to select fabric based on your goal.
If you're
doing a money spell,
use a piece of green or gold cloth.
If you're looking at healing,
perhaps something in a soft blue or silver would be best.
Check out
fabric stores around the holidays, and you can find all kinds of neat
Valentine's Day designs are perfect for matters of the heart,
and there are plenty of prints with dollar signs, coins, stars and moons, and other fun designs.
Another option is to use fabric that links the poppet to the person it represents.
Doing a healing spell for a friend?
Ask the person for an old t-shirt.
If you're trying to draw love into
your life,
consider using a scrap from that sexy lingerie you wore last
If you just can't find the right material, use a plain muslin or
white felt.

Here are a few ideas for designs and colors for poppet magic.
Cotton prints are easy to sew, but if you've never used a needle and thread before,
you might want to try something stiffer like felt --
it comes in every color you can imagine, and will hold its shape as you sew.
If you're an experienced sewer, use anything you like.
Here are a few ideas for designs and colors for poppet magic.
- Animals: Brown or green fabrics, patterns with cats or dogs, anything pet-related
- Banishing: Black fabric, designs such as swords or wands, dragons or fire
- Creativity: Orange or yellow fabric, prints of suns or other fire symbols
- Healing: Silver, white or blue, with designs of clouds or other air symbols
- Love: Pink or red material, designs like hearts, roses or other flowers, Cupids
- Money: Silver, gold or green fabric, or designs of dollar bills or coins, cups or earthy symbols
- Protection: Red or white material, with patterns of shields, keys or locks, fences, mistletoe
Colour Codes to make a Poppet
for a Specific Purpose
FABRIC COLOR: Green, Gold, Silver
PATTERNS TO TRY: Dollar signs, Dollar bills, Earth Symbols
PATTERNS TO TRY: Hearts, Cupids, Roses or other flowers
PATTERNS TO TRY: Swords, Wands, Dragons
FABRIC COLOR: Orange, Yellow
PATTERNS TO TRY: Suns, Fire Symbols
PATTERNS TO TRY: Keys or Locks, Fences, Mistletoe
FABRIC COLOR: White, Blue, Silver
PATTERNS TO TRY: Moons, Clouds, Air or Water Symbols
PATTERNS TO TRY: Cats, Dogs, anything pet-related
Cotton prints are easy to sew, but if you've never used a needle and thread before,
you might want to try something stiffer like felt --
it comes in every color you can imagine, and will hold its shape as you sew.
If you're an experienced sewer, use anything you like.

Personalize Your Poppet
Fill your poppet with something soft, like polyfill or cotton balls. Old pantyhose work nicely too.
Work the stuffing all the way into the nooks and crannies of the arms and legs,
and then fill the torso and head.
This is where you'll place your spell components -- herbs, stones, whatever.
In some magical traditions, something from the person represented goes inside the poppet.
This is alternately referred to as a taglock or a magical link --
it can be bits of hair, nail clippings, body fluids, a business card, or even a photograph.
Once everything is inside, sew the poppet completely shut.
The more you can customize your poppet, the better.
Even if you've placed a magical link, or taglock, inside, you'll want to decorate the outside too.
Draw or paint or sew a face onto your doll.
Add yard or string for hair. Dress your poppet in something that looks like the person's clothing.
Copy any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing features onto the poppet as well.
Add magical or astrological symbols if you like.
While you're doing this, tell the poppet who it represents.
You can say something along the lines of, "I have made you, and you are Jane Jones."
Your poppet can be used for any number of things --
love, money, protection, healing, to get a job.
Anything you can imagine, you can make a poppet to bring it about.
Simply figure out your goal and the means to achieve it.
The only limits on poppet construction are your own creativity and imagination.

Poppets can be as simple or as elaborate
as you like,
but as they are generally made to represent another person, care
should be taken to learn all you can about them, before you determine the need
and purpose of your intent.
Do you
need to curse, heal, harm or bind??? While
the possibilities are endless, just like in any spell work, you’ll need to set
a goal and the means of achieving it.
believed that the more work you put into preparing your spell, or the more
complex it is, the stronger and more potent your focus and intent will be.
Like any ritual tool, once made, the poppet needs to be
consecrated, named and dedicated to the work in hand, then infused with personal
energy to bring into force your intentions.
Sometimes this is be done by breathing life into the poppets mouth
through a straw.
In this way the
poppet takes on a magical life of its own, which activates the spell or working.
Depending on the type of spell being worked, be it to curse,
heal, harm or bind, various actions are performed on the poppet to
cause a similar effect on the recipient.
can be pierced with pins, nails or other sharp objects to cause pain, cooled
with water or heated with fire to cure a fever, or bound with cords to restrict
Once the spell or work is
done, or success has been achieved, the poppet needs to be dismantled and
ingredients used disposed of in an appropriate way, making sure that any link
between it and what it represented is completely destroyed.
‘Little one, I made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Her / his body is your body
Her / his breath is your breath
Her / his passion is your passion
Her / his blood is your blood
Though separate you were
Now you are one.’
As with all magick, it's best to
perform it when the moon and other astrological signs are favorable.
(For a list of moon phases, signs, etc and their magickal correspondences,
go here.)
Gather your materials. Cast a circle. Construct a chant to use while making
your poppet. This can be as elaborate as a sigil or as simple as repeating
the name of the poppet's intended or a rhyme stating your magickal purpose.
Visualize your magickal intent as you work.
When the poppet is finished, lay it on the altar and repeat this or
something like it:
Though separate you were,
Now you are one.
The link of unison has begun.
Continue with your spell, visualizing
what you intend to accomplish.
Close the circle.
After performing your magick,
wrap the poppet in a white cloth and store in a safe place.
You should keep the poppet safe
until the magick has manifested.
I've worked magick on the same poppet more than once.
I'm one of those witches who sees no harm in repeating spells
(as long as you don't obsess over your magick).
Some witches are strongly opposed to this.
Take it apart and bury it after
the magick has manifested.
Be sure to sever the magickal connection between the poppet and the person it represented with this or a similar chant.
By the Moon and Stars
and Goddess above.
I now sever this link
with thanks and love.
Never manipulate another person
through poppet magick.
Never manipulate another person through poppet magick.
Never manipulate another person through poppet magick.
Poppet magick is a very powerful form of magick. For this reason, it's
important to use it with care. Never make a poppet to represent another person without their permission. This is the psychic equivalent of rape. Never construct a poppet for malicious purposes, that is, to torment or harm another person.
Ever mind the Rule of Three
Three times what thou givest returns to thee
‘Little one, I made you and now I give you life
I name you (persons name)
Her / his body is your body
Her / his breath is your breath
Her / his passion is your passion
Her / his blood is your blood
Though separate you were
Now you are one.’
Gather your materials. Cast a circle. Construct a chant to use while making
your poppet. This can be as elaborate as a sigil or as simple as repeating
the name of the poppet's intended or a rhyme stating your magickal purpose.
Visualize your magickal intent as you work.
When the poppet is finished, lay it on the altar and repeat this or
something like it:
Now you are one.
The link of unison has begun.
Close the circle.
wrap the poppet in a white cloth and store in a safe place.
You should keep the poppet safe
until the magick has manifested.
I've worked magick on the same poppet more than once.
I'm one of those witches who sees no harm in repeating spells
(as long as you don't obsess over your magick).
Some witches are strongly opposed to this.
Be sure to sever the magickal connection between the poppet and the person it represented with this or a similar chant.
and Goddess above.
I now sever this link
with thanks and love.
Never manipulate another person through poppet magick.
Never manipulate another person through poppet magick.
Poppet magick is a very powerful form of magick. For this reason, it's
important to use it with care. Never make a poppet to represent another person without their permission. This is the psychic equivalent of rape. Never construct a poppet for malicious purposes, that is, to torment or harm another person.
Three times what thou givest returns to thee
LOVE HERBS for Poppets :
You must use any 3 or more of these love herbs:
Verbena, Vervain,
Rosemary, Rose petals, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Yarrow, Valerian, Catnip,
Lavender, Rosebuds, Strawberry leaves, Jasmine or Ginger may be used.
(These herbs are ruled by Venus)
Along with the love herbs, add to your
lover’s poppet some of your moon-blood (a powerful option), some of your
pubic hair and some of your underarm hair (don’t shave your armpits for
a few days if this spell is to work well!)
sources: http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/poppetmagic/ss/Build_A_Poppet_2.htm#step-heading, http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/poppetmagic/ss/Build_A_Poppet.htm#step-heading, http://www.controverscial.com/Poppet%20Magick.htm, http://lindaursin.net/library/welcome/poppet-magic/poppet-spells/
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