About Manifestationhttps://www.google.com.ph/search?biw=1024&bih=635&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ei=LNd3VNyVMIi48gWk8oHoDQ&ved=0CC8QsAQ&q=HOW%20TO%20MAKE%20A%20wishing%20pyramid%22#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=QPSYG5oZ6A-r-M%253A%3BmX8NRW1b2NUgtM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn3.volusion.com%252Fbe5kt.u4rdq%252Fv%252Fvspfiles%252Fphotos%252FHP-asc-copper-2.jpg%253F1397228014%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.shambhalahealingtools.com%252FBuddha-Maitreya-9-Inch-Copper-Meditation-Pyramids-for-Sale-s%252F20.htm%3B700%3B473 |
1. First and most importantly, you must totally believe that it is
possible to obtain that which you are manifesting. You must believe it
is yours to have, free for the immediate taking, and that you deserve to
have it. Most of us have been trained since birth that in order to get
something we must plan for it, work hard, suffer, and wait for it. This
training is difficult to overcome! I believe that only our most highly
ascended masters (Jesus, Buddha, Moses) knew how to manifest instantly
with no reservations. The best way I can see to overcome this is by
starting small. Use your pyramid to focus your energies and manifest
little things first, then move up when it feels right. Work with your
own belief system, at your own pace, stretching and exercising it as you
would an atrophied muscle, for that is what it truly is! 2. Always practice manifestation in the present tense, never future tense. For example, say "I am healthy, I have abundance, I enjoy my new car," etc. If you state your affirmation in the future tense, i.e. "I desire" or "I want" or "I wish to become," then that is what you will manifest: desiring, wanting, wishing. This is because the universe and our subconscious mind TAKES US LITERALLY. This may sound silly, but it is true. Always manifest as if you already possess that which you would like to have. Words are helpful, but the most effective way is to feel and imagine your desire as if it were already real. Visualize, use all your senses, create the scenario mentally. Feel the joy of success as deeply as possible. Really get creative! See and feel yourself driving that new car. What does the upholstery feel like? What color is it? Breathe in that "new car" smell. How does the engine sound when you start it up? How does your body feel in the driver's seat, on the road? You get the idea. Remember, saying "I wish" or "I want" only affirms lack... it affirms that you don't have the thing you desire. Always affirm abundance, in the present tense, as if it were completely and effortlessly already yours. 3. An important component of personal manifestation is to keep that which you are manifesting a secret from others. In fact, it's best not to even let others know that you are manifesting anything. There is a very good reason for keeping your desire secret. As soon as you tell another person that you are working on manifesting something, that person will have thoughts and opinions about it. Remember, thoughts are things! That person's thoughts, and probably doubts, will have a tangible effect on your manifestation process! Even if that person thinks momentarily "I wonder if he/she will succeed?" that thought will hamper your efforts. So, as much as you would like to share what you are working on with someone you love, resist this urge and keep it to yourself. Of course, as soon as your wish becomes reality, feel free to share your success story! 4. Never intentionally manifest something negative or harmful. Manifestation is real and possible, and you may succeed in harming someone. Remember that which you give out will return to you. Make sure your wish is not harmful to anyone including yourself. 5. Be careful about attempting to manifest something for another person. It i s never a good idea to interfere with another's free will. Although a person may be suffering, they may have lessons to learn from that suffering. You may, through manifestation, offer that person love, and ask his or her higher self to assist that person with healing, if it is in their highest good and life plan. Do not interfere directly unless you have been specifically asked to help by either the person or their higher self. When offering love to another person, remember to channel it from higher sources, do not give away your own precious energy as this will deplete you. 6. There may be times when you will get a strong inner message that you should stop trying to manifest a certain something. Trust this message. It could mean that what you are trying to manifest is not in your or someone else's best interest. Always trust your inner guidance. 7. In the case where you have mastered your beliefs but have been unsuccessful in manifesting your desire, there is one more thing to consider. Your higher self always knows what is best for you. If you have been working toward something that your higher self knows to be harmful to you, or that will interfere with your life's plan or that of someone else, you will not get your wish. It may come at a later time, in accordance with your higher self and your life plan. In this case, consider your failure to manifest as a blessing in disguise, and thank your higher self for watching out for you. Always pratice responsible manifestation! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ![]() https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11014755_876810832357875_9027945486095477810_n.jpg?oh=81f95967097c8c79dbc385f1c922a742&oe=56034B17&__gda__=1442991741_fb82938b63e99a080ca2ccc0c39c8a40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Myasmia, YaNonia, YaSintayIn Judy’s book, Sunshine Before the Dawn, the Siriun woman, Essayenya journeyed to a place sacred to the people of Mu, a land called Ontara. There she was given an energy key…three code words…by a young man from the star Aldebaran.Even today, these three words are a powerful magnetic that will help you to attract and draw what you wish to create into your life. The words can be used by anyone at any time to augment the creations of mind. The ability to use the mind in expanded ways is part of what is to occur for all humanity with the Earth’s shift to the fifth dimension. The story Sunshine Before the Dawn is written as a novel, like a work of fiction, but it is not fantasy. The book was transmitted by the Galactic Council to Judy to assist us all to remember who we are on a soul level and why we came here to Earth. Now it is not only Essayenya who can use this key to greater knowledge…we can all use it! Here are the three words and what they mean… Myasmia: This word when said instills opening and joy. It is like cutting a new pathway of intention, a command to set clear intention. Metaphorically it is like Moses parting the Red Sea. YaNonia: When this word is said with force it activates the strength of the intention that pushes all in its path and helps bring the intention or desire into the manifested world of form. YaSintay: When this word is said as part of a trinity, (Myasmia, YaNonia, YaSintay), it activates the perfect outcome. YaSintay is a word that when said can project present thought into the future for manifestation. The creation of this future manifestation is in the present. To Use: Imagine or just KNOW what you wish to create. If it helps, write it down as a simple I am…I have sentence. It is as simple as just flashing a picture in your mind of what you KNOW to be true…ie what you wish to create. Then…after you envision what you desire say the words Mayasmia, YaNonia, YaSintay three times with strength and intention. (Source: http://judysatori.com/free/myasmia-yanonia-yasintay/ ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PYRAMID "PYRAMID" is a greek word consisted by two words 'PYRA' + 'MID' where the term PYRA means"FIRE" and MID means "Center Core". Hence it is said that an Object which contains "FIRE" (here the deeper meaning of Fire refers to the energy field) in its Center core or Nuclei. This shows that Egyptian people were fully aware of the deeper meaning of FIRE and were using it accordingly thousands of years ago. Our wishes/Prayers can be manifested very fast if we write them on a piece of paper and place them in pyramids made by metal or paper/board. I think the information is true. _____________________________________________________ SOURCE: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Kheops-2-034-Iridescent-Blue-Art-Glass-Wishing-Pyramid-/111522008634?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC .MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27538%26meid%3D65883a135c4b437a908e5ae888932ce4%26pid%3D1000 11%26prg%3D11353%26rk%3D9%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D251722960073&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=ZJlJF7pW29xQ32VuV5w6B4qTlsg%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
"The Most Powerful Positive Talisman on Earth"
Egyptians used the pyramids to generate, transmit and transform energy.
This is used to manifest wishes (instructions enclosed).
Base is 2-1/2" Wide
2" High
3-1/4" Diagonal
They are known to be a great thought amplifier. Each Metaphysical Art Glass Wishing Pyramid has a mirrored base and a door that opens from the top with a little crystal ball. Your wishing pyramid can help you focus and realize your greatest wish of love, happiness, health, hope and success. Simply write a wish on paper and place the paper inside your pyramid. Visualize the pyramid and concentrate on your wish. Your wish should begin to manifest! Pyramids come in a variety of colors that correspond to certain wishes. You can also use your pyramid to house special jewelry, crystals, or sacred objects. Harness the power of the pyramid!" +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.kheopsinternational.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/lg/51027.jpg Beautiful Wishing Pyramid. Make a wish, follow the Wish how to directions which come with the Wishing Pyramid Your wish should come true after 7 days. The mystery and power of Pyramids have fascinated people for centuries. You don't have to spend a ton of money on Haunted items or Genie, Jin items to handle your wishes. With positive intent you write your wish on paper following the directions then place it inside the Wishing Pyramid. Each Wishing Pyramid is made of colored stained glass and has a pearl type knob that opens the door to the mirrored base inside. Light reflects off the glass and cast beautiful hues of light around the room you put it in The Wishing Pyramids are by Kheops. http://www.ebay.ph/itm/Real-Wishing-Pyramid-ART-GLASS-Kheops-International-MADE-CANADA-/221258038507 ![]() http://www.kheopsinternational.com/p/Art-Glass-Pyramid-Energizer-Crystal/54090.html
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
This fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve fruit and vegetable longer ,to energize the water from your plants, to dry your herbs, , to store essential oils and crystals and much more.... The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we put inside.
Art Glass Energized Pyramid has a mirrored base and a door that opens
from the top with a little crystal ball. Ancient Egyptians used the
pyramids to generate, transmit and transform energy. Pyramids are known
to be a great amplifier of thoughts and are considered the most
positive talisman on Earth. Each pyramid comes with a multi-lingual
information card (English, Spanish, French, German) and a gift box - See
more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
![]() http://www.ablecrystals.com/shop/images/kheops_pyramid_1.jpg ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WISH PYRAMID ![]() Wish Pyramid is totally an amazing instrument. Wish pyramid is a mechanism for concentrating unseen psychic power, discovered as a source of mystical spiritual energy. Wish pyramid is being tried for making your dreams come true with your own power. It helps to fulfill your reasonable wishes and also helps to harmonize your relationships with others and to make your environment lively, happy and vibrant .
Wish Pyramid is a combination of copper
plate with pyramids, copper dome & pyramid chips. Wish pyramid is
made up of neutron material, it is accurate in dimensions, neutral in
property, anti-corrosion material and long lasting.
Due to the conical shape of pyramids in a
particular and exact angle, they absorb the topmost celestial cosmic
energy inside themselves. The space inside pyramids increases and
vibrates the electro-magnetic energy and the bio-cosmic energy along
with other forms of energies present inside.
Wish pyramid is a way to make your dreams come true. Wish Pyramid Yantra is very personal, effective and easy to use.
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
1. With red colored ink, write your wish
on a 70x70 mm triangular white paper . To get more result, begin with
the name of almighty God in which you have total faith. Please make sure
that your wish is reasonable, valid and acceptable to your conscience.
2. After that fold the paper into 2
folds and place it under the cosmic copper dome of the wish pyramid,
lock it and place the pyramid over it and press it so that it is
attached to the base firmly.
3. The next step is activating the wish
pyramid with your pray and mediation. Sit peacefully in a calm place and
quiet place not disturbed by anybody. ( Preferably North-east side of
your house , room, business place or office). Then hold the wish pyramid
in the left hand and place the right hand above the pyramid with a
relaxed mind.
4.Now mentally repeat your wish for 3 minutes and place the wish pyramid in a safe and personal place. ( preferably North-east).
5. This process should be continued twice daily until you get a start and your wish is fulfilled.
6. For strengthening your wishes - while
repeating the wishes every day, sit East faced for Love, Peace,
Spirituality, Happiness, Satisfaction, Fame and Prosperity. Sit West
faced for Health and Interpersonal relations. Sit North faced for Money,
Goods, Land, Buildings, Authority, Jewelries, promotion, business,
comfort and facility. Sit South faced for safety from anti parties and
enemies and from their misdeeds.
7. Never try to
harm any person using the wish pyramid since you are using the power of
cosmic energy and the individual psychic energy and it is against the
law of universe. ![]()
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
OTHER USES OF WISH PYRAMID:1. You can keep the Pyramids in any room.Pyramids will destroy all negative forces and energies created by TVs, Fridge, etc and convert them into positive energy. This is really mystic and the modern science has no idea about how it happens.
2. Keep a pyramid on study table. Students get more concentration in their studies.
3. Place a pyramid on your office table.
It helps to get a more clear, strong and steady frame of mind in your
It gives clear answers to your day to day business problems.
Always link your mind with the pyramid to receive the cosmic energy and
4. It helps to solve Delayed marriages, Un-Employment, Decrease in trade and business,
misunderstandings in the family etc.
5. Using pyramid,
vastu defects can be rectified without demolition.
Keep the pyramids
inside the incorrectly build Kitchen, toilet or room.
The ill effect can
be rectified to a greater extent unless there no serious vastu defects.
PYRAMID WATERWorking on principle of bioresonance on a subtle energy level (similar to homeopathy),when taken either internally or externally, pyramid water harmonizes (regulates) all the processes in our organism. And the effect begins exactly in the location where it is needed the most. Such water is extremely rich with oxygen and negatively charged ions, which makes it easy to assimilate. This in turn increases water concentration levels in cells and the overall water level in the organism. ![]() Various advantages of pyramid water: 1. increases water concentration in cells 2. assists in removal of toxins and “cleaning” of organism 3. rejuvenates skin 4. increases vitality 5. speeds up healing processes and rehabilitation of organism 6. strengthens immune system 7. anti-stress effects 8. healing without interference with organism (self-healing) 9. helps heal skin, digestive disorders ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ![]() PYRAMID MEDITATIONIn recent years, Pyramidology has experienced renaissance in fame. Meditation done inside a pyramid, or underneath a pyramid, is called as Pyramid Meditation. The pyramid shape itself is being seen as a supernatural source of power or energy of the Universe. The use of a pyramid in meditation can give rise to feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and a positive attitude. The best results are achieved by sitting in a North facing direction. For better health, one must sit facing the East. If the Meditation is being done for having wealth in future, he/she must sit North-East facing direction. It is better to do healing by Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Color Therapy, etc. The idea that a simple geometric shape or drawing could generate an energy field seems absurd at first glance. Well it works, it really does. It's truly amazing and there is no side effect of using this.Most people who have experimented with Pyramid Meditation, describe themselves as experiencing a total relaxation of their body, followed by the shutting out of unnecessary external stimuli and irrelevant thoughts and finally achieving an altered state of consciousness which allows them to concentrate on deeper inner levels. Pyramids provide most effective high-energy environments for beginners of meditation. Pyramids help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body. Meditation done inside a Pyramid is thrice more powerfulSeveral experiments conducted in man-made pyramids have revealed generalized pyramid powers. These can be broadly classified as:PreservationPyramid energy preserves fruit, milk and other perishables, taste of coffee, wine, fruit juices, etc., is improved ; used razors, knives get sharpened ; acts as a room freshener, foul smells disappear.HealingWounds, boils and bruises heal quicker; reduces over-weight and increases resistance to diseases; gives relief to and cures asthma, toothaches, migraine, common cold, high B.P., arthritis, palpitation of heart, epilepsy, insomnia etc. Drinking pyramid energized water cures conjunctivitis, other eye problems; helps digestion; gives the skin a healthy and youthful glow.Out-of-body ExperiencesOut-of-body experiences are much easier if done inside a pyramid. Dreams become clearer and they take the quality of normal working state.Pyramids come in two forms: metallic and non-metallic.A metallic pyramid harnesses the electromagnetic field of the earth, and tends to concentrate its energies onto the surface of the pyramid, where the metal is. These pyramids should be aligned to magnetic North to have the greatest effect. Non-metallic pyramids, being composed of non-conductive materials like wood and stone, consist of the majority of the pyramids around the earth: from the Great One in Giza, to the ones in China and Turkey, to those that exist in North and South America. These pyramids are said to harness the rotational inertia of the Earth, and because of this, they should be aligned to True North. Non-metallic pyramids tend to concentrate their energies into the center of the pyramid, and thus the reason for its name "Pyr-a-mid," or "Fire-in-the-Middle."In non-metallic pyramids, like the Great Pyramid, the greatest concentration of energy is located at what is called the King's Chamber. This is also the geometric center of the pyramid, located at one-third up its height from its base. Pyramids act as an amplifier of one's thought energy, thus if you are focusing on a thought or an idea that you want to manifest into your life, it will amplify that thought accordingly. (Thus, be mindful of your thoughts, as your thoughts do make a difference, especially inside a pyramid!) Also, if one is trying to clear one's thoughts, as is done in many forms of meditation, the intent of that thought is amplified, and one can go into a deeper state of focus and peace much more quickly and easily. (SOURCE: http://www.suprapowers.com/pyramid.htm ) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
OK........ SO I've been tryin to figure out how to make these PYRAMIDS since i found these lovely and interesting articles..... and thanks to GOOGLE, i have found this image....
A bit of tweaking will do..., coz obviously, this one's intended as a gift box....
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
master piece, the fruit pyramid can be used effectively to preserve
fruit and vegetable longer, to energize the water for your plants, to
dry your herbs, to store essential oils and crystals...and much more.
The triangular opening on the door should be oriented towards magnetic
north. It is a good way to sustain the life properties of the objects we
put inside. Made in Canada since 1990. Some customer use it to make a
crystal garden to balance the feng shui energy. - See more at:
SOURCES: http://www.bonanza.com/listings/Wishing-Pyramid-Glass-Art-by-Kheops-Egyptian-Magic-Orange/1153045 http://www.bonanza.com/listings/Wishing-Pyramid-Glass-Art-by-Kheops-Egyptian-Magic-Orange/1153045 |
Thursday, November 27, 2014
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