I have always been inspired by some quotes about Magick....
Whenever i read them..., they empower me a lot and inspires me to look inside me..,
within me..., to feel the essence of my own Magick....

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/6e/62/8a6e62a51723788015607f1f0af03b63.jpg n
When it comes to Magick...,
I always embrace the beauty of SIMPLICITY...
I am not the type who's into performing long, complex rituals ....,
because i easily get bored and annoyed....
I simply don't have the great patience to endure
such magickal workings that take FOREVER
to accomplish.....

I have been taught by a friend NOT to rely on tools .. ,
though they aid in giving focus ...,
but rather, to give more importance and attention to the WILL..... ,
which fuels the INTENTION to magickally work
its way to fruition or manifesting...

plays a vital role when it comes to manifestation of your desires...
It's like planting seeds and imagining already what they will have looked like
in the future
....- and so shall it be!
The MIND supplies the necessary data or pictures that support your intents...
So it is important to have a focused mind during the spellwork
to avoid the inclusion of unwanted energies due to the unstable, wandering thoughts.
for me..., is the CAULDRON ...
I t is where the powerful intentions are brewed
and where the most potent WILL dwells....
For me it is the very CORE of your power and of your energy...
If your will is weak..., then expect LESS,

serves as my Athame for directing energies...
I do find it more empowering to know that REAL energies flow within you...
MAGICK is REAL..., you have the power
and you have the
The tools are NOT required in order to work magick.
It is the Practitioner who works Magick!
I do find it more empowering to know that REAL energies flow within you...
MAGICK is REAL..., you have the power
and you have the
The tools are NOT required in order to work magick.
It is the Practitioner who works Magick!

I would like to quote the following thoughts from the blog of PennyWise Pagan...,
which go in line and parallel to my idea of weaving magick without the tools..
"The First Rule of The Magick is this;
That thy mind is thy first and only true tool in thy Craft.
Thy wand is naught save a stick, supposest thou that it hath magick?
Nay, it is but an object.
It hath no mind of its own.
It knowest not who wieldeth it, nor doth it care.
The Planets care nothing for thy workings and indeed go about their course without a thought to thee. Thy Besom and Thy Cauldron are but a broom and a cookpot.
It is thy MIND which maketh them into more, and it is thy mind, when properly focused,
that discardeth them when they outlive their use.
Crystals? Herbs? No magick hath they.
Nay, without the wielder, they hath naught but their own substance.
What all of this breaks down to is this:
your MIND is the only thing you truly need to perform powerful and effective magick.
To develop this tool, you need sufficient WILL and DISCIPLINE to focus yourself to your desired task. I’ve known MANY witches and magickal people who had EVERYTHING ‘perfect’
and still failed miserably at their workings for lack of focus, will, and self-discipline.
The SECOND rule of Magick is much like unto the first:
Without discipline, thy mind is like unto a lightning flash.
It is powerful, but unpredictable.
It cometh whenever it listeth and disappeareth the same.
Without self-discipline, thy mind is a faulty tool at best.
The Prinicipals of witch craft apply in a very practical way,
not as high minded, noble ideals, not as some glib chant that rolls of the tongue by rote,
but as a living set of Guidelines:
I would like to quote the following thoughts from the blog of PennyWise Pagan...,
which go in line and parallel to my idea of weaving magick without the tools..
"The First Rule of The Magick is this;
That thy mind is thy first and only true tool in thy Craft.
Thy wand is naught save a stick, supposest thou that it hath magick?
Nay, it is but an object.
It hath no mind of its own.
It knowest not who wieldeth it, nor doth it care.
The Planets care nothing for thy workings and indeed go about their course without a thought to thee. Thy Besom and Thy Cauldron are but a broom and a cookpot.
It is thy MIND which maketh them into more, and it is thy mind, when properly focused,
that discardeth them when they outlive their use.
Crystals? Herbs? No magick hath they.
Nay, without the wielder, they hath naught but their own substance.
What all of this breaks down to is this:
your MIND is the only thing you truly need to perform powerful and effective magick.
To develop this tool, you need sufficient WILL and DISCIPLINE to focus yourself to your desired task. I’ve known MANY witches and magickal people who had EVERYTHING ‘perfect’
and still failed miserably at their workings for lack of focus, will, and self-discipline.
The SECOND rule of Magick is much like unto the first:
Without discipline, thy mind is like unto a lightning flash.
It is powerful, but unpredictable.
It cometh whenever it listeth and disappeareth the same.
Without self-discipline, thy mind is a faulty tool at best.
The Prinicipals of witch craft apply in a very practical way,
not as high minded, noble ideals, not as some glib chant that rolls of the tongue by rote,
but as a living set of Guidelines:
To Know
To Dare
To Will
To Keep Silent. "
SOURCE: https://stormchylde.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/magick-without-tools/
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