BLACK SALT: Is not to be confused with the black lava salt or kala namak salts used in fine cuisine. Ritual & protection black salt is not for consumption!!! Protective black salt is a very famous Hoodoo & Santeria Magickal tool, It's used in many Pagan paths & in witchcraft... It is an invaluable product in any Witches cupboard as it can remove negative energy from your property, remove unwanted guests & prevent them from returning back to you, black salt protects you from the influences of third parties (relatives, colleagues, neighbors, unwanted & negative spirits, guests & energies... Ect...) Black salt is also used to remove negative spells that have been cast on a person. In general, salt itself is a great purifying agent... Black Salt is more about protection & the banishment of all things negative... Black salt for ritual has long been used in European folk & African Diaspora traditions & is also known as: "Witch's Salt, Sal Negro & Drive Away Salt, Voodoo Salt or Santeria Salt." Though it does have some negative connotations, black salt can be used in a positive way as a powerful tool of protection... Using black salt to absorb & contain negativity is NOT black Magick... There is a misconception that working with this substance is evil... Other maligned ritual components include dark moons, counterclockwise (deosil) movements & inverted pentagrams... THIS IS NOT SO! Wardings, undoings, uncrossings, binding work, journeying to the afterlife, honoring the crone, & many more important workings successfully use these practices... When a spell or ritual calls for a strong circle of protection, black salt can be used... In Hoodoo Magick, it's an additive for war water & is also used traditionally to remove a hex, curse or a jinx...
BLACK SALT IS PRIMARILY PROTECTIVE: Remember, only the intention of the user makes any Magick malignant!!! Nullifying or returning negative energy to its source is not black Magick unless you purposefully state intent to harm... Otherwise it is just their karma & energy coming back to them...
• Keep in: A dish or in a pouch/little bag under your pillow to negate bad dreams & ward unwanted watchers or spirits...
• Cast a: Line across your doorways & windows to keep out evil, avoid unwanted company, & reflect slander or jealousy back to the source...
• Add a bit: To floor washes to cleanse your home, front walkway & your ritual & sacred area of negativity...
• Add to: Bath water when you are feeling especially depressed, angry & negative...
• Keep a bit: On your person against your skin, in your desk, or taped under your chair at work or school to deflect gossips, bullies, rude coworkers, & bad or rude bosses attention...
• Keep in: A bowl, a tiny cloth pouch, or sprinkle a bit for protection...
• Add to: War Water, Hot Foot Powder, Graveyard Dirt, & Rattlesnake Salt for extra potency...
• Sprinkle in: An enemy’s yard, office, or footsteps so that they will want to leave or move (ALWAYS be cautious when using Magick this way!!! It's never good to bend someone's will or to misuse your Magick... Try to solve the problem or situation in other ways...)
• Use to: Symbolize the waning moon, eclipses & new moons... These are times for endings, binding work, trance & journeying to Under & other Realms, & uncrossing or removing curses...
• Use as: Fire energy Chthonic or darker earthly Elementals & Deities, especially Crone or Triple Goddesses, War Gods, & darker forest beings...
• Use to: Mitigate the negative effects of Mercury Retrograde...
• Use for: Spirit Callings, Ancestor works & Samhain rituals...
• Sprinkle: Liberally on items or possessions that you feel have bad memories or attachments to them...
• Black Salt: Can be used in conjunction with White Salt, Sage or Holy Water to both absorb evil & then purify yourself & your space... Burn a black candle to take in negativity then a white candle to bring in pure white light...
• You can: Create a circle around the perimeter of your house for protection...
• Sprinkle: In your place to banish evil & to cleanse from negativity...
• Open your: Door & sprinkle some black salt outside of your door naming the person you don't wish to visit your property again & the reasons behind this...
• Sprinkle: Some black salt with caution, behind the person you wish to remove from your home/place/property & then sprinkle some black salt outside of your door...
***CAUTION: Please note that Black Salt is a VERY powerful tool!!! So please think twice before you cast a spell to remove someone from your home & property. It's effects are extremely long-lasting!!! AGAIN... Always be cautious when using Magick this way!!! It's never good to bend someone's will or to misuse your Magick... Try to solve the problem or situation in other ways... With that being said, In my eyes, There's absolutely nothing wrong with defending & protecting yourself, your family & your loved ones... If you feel that you need to defend or protect yourself, your family & your loved ones, do as you see fit... I've always said that I protect & defend just as fiercely as I love!!!
• You can: Add black salt into a small glass bottle pendant & wear for added or extra protection... You could also keep a small glass bottle with protection black salt in it on your person for added or extra protection... You could keep a pouch/small bag of black salt on your person for added or extra protection (In your pocket or in a purse, wallet... Ect...)
▪REMEMBER: Black Salt absorbs negative energy so it can only be used once... Change it out or sweep it up weekly or when the air feels oppressive & mucky... When discarding black salt, definitely consider where the negativity will go:
• Ground it in the earth by: Burying it in a hidden distant place from your living & working space... Bury it at a crossroads of paths or streets... Some bury it in cemeteries or even an enemy’s yard...
• Cast in the wind: In a distant place blowing away from your home or work... Ect... Some will blow this from their hand into the four directions or at a crossroads...
• Throw into a fire: Along with paper where you have written all your worries & whatever else you want to be rid off... DO NOT use these ashes to make any other ritual items...
• Cast into living water: Meaning running active water... This will disperse the energies & cleanse them... Rivers, creeks, lakes, canals & oceans... Even a ditch or your toilet will do & may be very effective in "flushing" junk out of your life!!!
***I'VE seen some interesting DIY-Witchy crafts using black salt... One in particular that I really liked. A black candle was rolled in salt for purification purposes & rolled on black salt for protection purposes... Sounds like a great craft to me...

***CAUTION!!! BE PREPARED: When making your own protective black salt things can & will get messy!!! You're working with ash & charcoal... Ect... So expect to get your hands dirty & possibly the surrounding areas where you're working... I on the other hand don't mind getting my hands dirty 😉 It's fun!!! Always remember to have fun when you're crafting your own Magickal tools & items!!!
DEPENDING on how big of a batch you're making of protective black salt, will depend on how much of each ingredient you will need. I normally make enough to fill a regular mason jar... & I don't normally measure out my ingredients, I just go by intuition on what I think is needed in my batch of protective black salt... I have heard people say that they use 2 parts sea salt to every one part of of ash or whatever you're using to mix in to add protective properties & to darken your black salt... I've never been one for measuring (even when I'm just cooking, depending on what it is I'm cooking) I just eye ball my measurements & again I use my intuition... I add in what works for me...
•YOUR CAULDRON, A MORTAR & PESTLE, OR A LG. BOWL: I normally use an old metal (fire safe) pourer (that's what I call it. Lol) It has a spout on it, I believe that it's from an antique sugar & cream set... It's heavy duty, fire safe & I store all my ash in it, until I'm ready to make my protective black salt. But you can use your cauldron to mix your black salt in, a mortar & Pestle or a large bowl... I love using my good ol' pourer, because of the spout it's easier to pour my black salt mixture into the mason jar. The only down side is it's not very big. So I have to mix my black salt little by little. But I honestly find its better to mix your black salt little by little... Doing it all at once believe it or not, but it seems like it takes longer to get the consistency/color that I'm looking for...
• A WOODEN STIRRER, CHOP STICKS OR A SPOON: I actually use both when I'm mixing my black salt mixture. I use a wooden shish-kabob stick (I keep a pack of them in my apothecary. They come in handy when mixing herbs, salts... Ect...) You could just as easily use chop sticks. Those would work great. I also use a mini-metal spoon. It helps to use the spoon to mix up the black salt every so often. I find that the spoon helps to being the ash & black powder back up to the top of your mixture... But using both is only my preference... ***REMEMBER TO ALWAYS STIR YOUR MIXTURE IN A CLOCKWISE MOTION 😉
• PAPER TOWELS, A TOWEL, A WET WASH CLOTH OR WET WIPES: When making protective black Salt, your hands & possibly the surrounding area is going to get dirty!!! There's honestly no way around this & that's ok with me! You're working with ash, charcoal & black powder, it's gonna get messy 😉 But I do find that having paper towels, a towel, a wet wash cloth or wet wipes helps to keep your hands & the area your working in under control... I crush my charcoal disc in my hands & I stir my mixture with the actual charcoal stick! I do this because I want all my intent & energy to go into that powder! So yea... My hands get really dirty! It's kind of empowering if I do say so myself! I also keep a small spray bottle of my full moon water near me, so I can spray that on my hands & wipe them off... That adds the energy of the moon into my protective black salt working & mixture...
• A MASON JAR OR GLASS BOTTLE WITH A LID: This is to keep Your protective black st mixture in when you're all done mixing it up... I use a regular sized Mason jar to store my 'Protective black salt' mixture in. I do this because I like to make large batches of it... You can always transfer some of your black salt mixture into smaller bottles for convenience & travel... Smaller glass spice bottles work great as well!!! I store all my large batches of salts in regular sized Mason jars. It keeps everything fresh, easily attainable & organized...
• STICKER LABELS OR LABELS OF YOUR CHOICE: I buy a pack of white sticker labels at my local dollar store. It's $1.00 for like 300 of them. I than antique & distress my labels using Tim Holtz "Tea" distress ink... I sponge the ink on the label while it's still on the paper, than I wrote out the name in black ink & I than cut out the label, burn the edges of the label with a lighter & than stick it on my bottle 😉 You could also make cardboard or card stock labels & hang them by a string around the rim of your bottle. But I find the sticker labels are much easier & quick...
• SALT OF YOUR CHOICE: I prefer to use course sea salt, but you can use fine sea salt, kosher salt & even table salt if that's all you have...
• CAULDRON ASH/SCRAPINGS: The ash from your cauldron where you burn incenses & herbs... You can burn protective herbs of your choice & use the ash from those... I also use the ash from my stick & cone incenses... Using only the ash from your incenses & herbs will turn your salt into a beautiful shade of grey...
• A CRUSHED CHARCOAL DISC: You can grind up/crush a charcoal disc & use the charcoal powder in your mixture. I find that when using a crushed charcoal disc, the salt turns a darker shade of black...
• A BLACK CHARCOAL STICK (USED FOR DRAWING): This is my secret ingredient in my 'Protective black salt mix!' They're non toxic & they work wonderfully. I don't crush it up, I actually stir my mixture little by little with the actual black charcoal stick... The black charcoal stick will turn your salt to a deeper shade of black (& that's what I prefer! A dark black salt.)
• FINELY GROUND BLACK PEPPER: Black pepper in itself is extremely protective! I don't necessarily use the black pepper in my mixture to darken the salt (some people do.) I add a teaspoon or 2 (when making a large batch of protective black salt) to add that extra protection oomph!!! It works beautifully (Try not to get it up your nose 😉 This has happened to me & it's not pretty! Talk about sneeze attack!!!)
• BLACK CHALK DUST: I've never added this to my mixture, but it's a great option of you can't get a hold of a black charcoal stick (for drawing.) I'm sure that black chalk dust would darken your salt quite a bit...
• FINE ASH FROM YOUR FIRE PIT, BON FIRE PIT OR FIRE PLACE: You can use ash from your fire pit, a Bon fire pit or from your fire place... All of those types of ashes would work wonderfully in a protective black salt mixture... It would be extra potent to use ash from a ceremonial fire during a sabbot...
• LAMPLIGHT: Lamplight is technically "Black soot." It's made by holding a metal spoon just over a candle flame... When there is enough black lamplight accumulated, you can than scrape off the lamplight from the metal spoon & use that in your protective black salt mixture... I've never personally used this, but it's certainly an option...
• POWDERED BLACK MICA: Powdered black mica is cosmetic grade & earth friendly. I've used powdered Mica's in many "DIY beauty products." I'm sure that if you used a matte black powdered mica that it would turn your protective black salt a deep shade of black... Powdered Mica's can be bought online at places like tkb trading...

MAKING 'Protective Black Salt' is quite simple & rather easy... There are several different ways, I've tried most of them & I've found what works best for me... Most people measure out their ingredients, as I stated earlier, I don't. I just follow my instincts & add ingredients as I feel I need them... Most Protective Black Salt recipes that you'll find online will tell you to mix 2 parts sea-salt to 1 part of another substance (cast-iron scrapings, ash from incense & herbs, ash from fire... Ect...) Or the recipes will state that for every 3 spoonfuls of salt, add 1 spoonful of ash, scrapings... Ect... More traditional recipes generally call for the scrapings of a cast iron pot or cauldron... When working protection or purifying rituals & spells, I save the ash from my incense & herbs & I put them aside with making my Protective black salt in mind, in other words, I save this particular ash (as long as the ritual or spell doesn't call for the ash to be disposed of) on purpose... It's best to store your ash in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid until ready to use... When making a batch of custom protection black salt, it's best to use the ash, charcoal & scrapings from the pot where you burned your protection herbs & incenses...
OF YOUR INGREDIENTS: Your Cauldron, mortar & pestle or Lg. bowl (whatever your mixing your black salt mixture in), Your Shish-kabob stick, chopsticks, spoon or whatever your using to stir your black salt mixture, Your paper towels, wet washcloth or wet wipes (set those off to the side), Your Mason jar, glass jar or whatever you'll be storing your black salt mixture in, Grab your 'Protective black salt' label & set those off to the side, Grab your incense & herb ash (whatever ash you're using), Your Charcoal disc, Your Charcoal stick (that's used for drawing), & your Ground Black pepper...
• STEP #2.) SET UP THE AREA THAT YOU'LL BE CRAFTING-WORKING IN: Now it's time to set up the area that you'll be making your 'Protective black salt' in... After I set everything up, I'll normally clear my mind, focus on the intent of my working-crafting & than I'll light my working candle...
• STEP #3.) YOU CAN NOW BEGIN MAKING YOUR PROTECTIVE BLACK SALT: I begin by pouring my ash from my protective incense & herbs into whatever I'll be mixing my black salt in, I'll than add my course sea-salt into the bowl (Again... I don't measure my ingredients, but I'd say that I start out with about a 1/2 cup of course sea-salt.) I than take my wooden shish-kabob stock & mix the course sea-salt with the ash. While I'm mixing the two together, I make sure to add in my intent of protection! In fact the whole time you're crafting your black salt you should add in your intent...
• STEP #4.) CONTINUE TO MIX & ADD TO YOUR PROTECTIVE BLACK SALT MIXTURE: Once you finish mixing that 1'st (I'd say) 1/2 cup of course sea-salt & ash, your black salt mixture will be a beautiful, yet light shade of grey... Depending on how deep/dark & black you want your black salt, you could just stop here & only mix your course sea-salt with your ash. I personally like my Protective black salt to be a deep & darker shade of black, but not only that I like my black salt to be extremely potent. So I don't only use ash...
• STEP #5.) YOU CAN NOW ADD YOUR POWDERED CHARCOAL DISC INTO YOUR BLACK SALT MIXTURE: It's pretty custom to use charcoal in a black salt mixture/recipe... I use the charcoal discs that I burn my incense on (but I use a new one. One that's never been used.) Instead of grinding my charcoal disc in a mortar & pestle, I break the charcoal disc into pieces & crush the pieces with my fingers. Of course you can use a mortar & pestle to do the crushing for you, but I don't because I want my energy & my protective intent to be extremely potent & by using my fingers & hands to crush the charcoal disc, I'm doing just that...
***SURE... You're gonna get your hands dirty & possibly other things. But that's ok. It's bound to happen. We're working with charcoal, ash... Ect... I don't mind getting dirty, so this doesn't bother me one bit... Have fun with your crafting-working & don't forget to think
Positive & protective thoughts...
NOW add another 1/2 cup of course sea-salt to your mixture (or about that. Follow your intuition. It won't lead you astray.) Once you've done that, you can now begin to add the crushed charcoal into your mixture. Stir as you add the charcoal (Don't forget to add your energies & intent) & keep adding charcoal if you'd like a deeper-darker shade of black...
• STEP #6.) YOU CAN NOW GRAB YOUR BLACK CHARCOAL STICK & BEGIN TO MIX THAT IN YOUR BLACK SALT MIXTURE: This is my "Secret Ingredient!" It works wonderfully!!! I use a black charcoal stick (that you use to draw with, it's pictured below.) I don't scrape, break up or crush the black charcoal stick, I actually use the charcoal stick to mix my black salt mixture with!!! What does this do?!?! It transfers the black charcoal onto the salt & this right here is how I get my black salt to be such a deep-dark shade of black... It's also a great way to add extra energies & protection intent into the mixture...
***AGAIN: Your hands & fingers (along with other things) will get dirty while stirring your mixture with a charcoal disc... It's inevitable... I actually keep an old towel on my lap & I wipe my fingers on that between adding & mixing. I also ever so often will wipe my hands with wet wipes or a wet wash cloth. I may have mentioned this earlier, but I also keep a small spray bottle of my full moon water near me while I'm making my protective black
Salt & I'll spray that at times to wash of my fingers & hands...
• STEP #7.) CONTINUE TO ADD COURSE SEA-SALT, ASH, CHARCOAL DISC POWDER & STIRRING WITH YOUR CHARCOAL STICK: At this point you could be almost done, because it's honestly really about how much protective black salt you want!!! I like to make large batches (enough to fill a regular sized Mason jar, as pictured below) & I eyeball everything & like I've said, I use my intuition while I'm mixing my black salt mixture... But there's another ingredient that I add... To me this ingredient is important...
• STEP #8.) YOU CAN NOW ADD YOUR POWDERED BLACK PEPPER INTO YOUR PROTECTIVE BLACK SALT MIXTURE: Some people add powdered black powder to darken their black salt mixture, I don't add it for that reason. I add Powdered black pepper to my black salt mixture because black pepper in itself is extremely protective! I add a teaspoon or 2, usually 2 (when making a large batch of protective black salt) to add that extra protection & Magickal oomph!!! It also adds my fav element "Fire" to the mix!!! It works beautifully!!! ***MAKE SURE: To mix the powdered black pepper well throughout your black salt mixture...
• STEP #9.) I'D SAY THAT TO FILL A REGULAR SIZED MASON JAR IT TAKES ABOUT 2-3 CUPS OF COURSE SEA-SALT: I don't know for sure, I've never actually measured, I'm just guessing... But at this point once you have all of your course sea-salt mixed in with your incense & herb ash, your powdered charcoal
Disc, stirred your black salt mixture with your black charcoal stick & added your powdered black pepper, if your 'Protective black salt' mixture is the desired shade of grey or black & you've added your energies & your intent into the mix, than you're pretty much done with your black salt mixture!!! I normally at this point add my intent & energies again & than I'll get ready to transfer my mixture to its permanent home...
• STEP #10.) YOU CAN NOW TRANSFER YOUR 'PROTECTION BLACK SALT' INTO YOUR MASON JAR OR GLASS JAR! WHATEVER YOU'RE STORING IT IN: You can now take your protective black salt mixture & transfer it into a mason jar, a glass jar or whatever you're storing it in... You can do this by simply pouring it into the jar or you can use a funnel... I normally just pour it in... Once all the black salt is now stored in its permanent home, I'll place both of my hands over the top of the Mason jar & add my energies & intents one last time... I than put the top on the jar & securely shut it... & you're pretty much done!!!
• STEP #11.) YOU CAN NOW ADD YOUR 'PROTECTIVE BLACK SALT' STICKER LABEL & YOU'RE DONE: If you've already made your 'Protective Black Salt' Label, than stick it on your glass jar & you're good to go!!! You're done!!! If you haven't made your label yet, Do that now & than add your label & once again... You're DONE!!!

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Hi Selina
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I AM SO HAPPY…… remember here is his email:- dr.ikhide@gmail.com
Hi Selina
i am Montoya Jazhel from the philiphines ,i was in a big problem in my marital life so i read your testimony on how Dr Ikhide help you get your husband back and i said i will give it a try and i contacted the Dr Ikhide to help me and he promised to help me get my problem solved. now am so happy with my life because all my problems are over. Thanks to the great Dr Ikhide for the help and Thanks to you Selina.
You can reach him with this email:- dr.ikhide@gmail.com and i promise he will not disappoint you.
I AM SO HAPPY…… remember here is his email:- dr.ikhide@gmail.com