Believe it or not you can learn to recall most all your Dreams.
With these simple techniques you can start remembering dreams within the first or second
night of practice. It's sort of like self hypnosis in a way. You are simply making suggestions
to your mind before you are completely asleep.
This state of mind is called the borderline sleep level. It is when your brain is most likely to
absorb the suggestions. They say that certain foods can cause bad dreams.
Then again, sometimes when you eat food before bedtime that gives you indigestion, it might
seem that it is causing you to have dreams. This is do to the fact that the indigestion is keeping
you slightly awake. You know that borderline sleep level I mentioned earlier, so you are slightly
aware of these dreams. There is one other thing to consider. If you are having intense dreams
and they are in color then more than likely you are having a OBE.
There are 4 easy steps to this.
1. Preparing for Bed :Try to get the body as relaxed as you can.
If you have to stretch or even do Yoga all the better.
You can even meditate to clear your mind, so that you are more prepared for the next step.
You don't have to eat or refrain from eating before bedtime. You may do as you like.
Try experimenting with eating different foods before bedtime and see if you get any different
results in the end. Make sure you have a pen and pad handy to write with next to the bed.
2. Programming : This is the most important part. When you get to that borderline sleep level
(which is right before you are completely asleep) you must tell yourself over and over again
that you will remember all your dreams and you will wake up after each dream and write down
your experience. If you don't like having to repeat all that then try tape recording yourself saying
these things. Make sure that you tape at least 10 - 15 min. worth. That should be sufficient.
3. Taking Notes :This is also very important. If you successfully wake up after each dream,
then you must write down everything you can remember in detail. Write down whether the dream
was in color or black and white. This is why we will keep a pen and pad next the bed. Make sure
not to put it in the bed with you. You don't want to end up stabbing yourself in your sleep.
Then you must try to go right back to sleep.
Keeping the pen and pad handy. Hopefully you will go right into another dream and repeat the process.
4. Reviewing the Night :Now it is time to review the night. You will be amazed at how many dreams
you actually had that night! I usually find that I have 10 - 15 dreams a night and sometimes more.
Everyone dreams and everyone dreams many times a night, they just don't know they do until they
try something like this. Make special note of dreams that are in full-blown color, for you will want to
reference them once you start studying Astral Projection.
SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/505467486265064/photos/a.505481686263644.1073741828.505467486265064/679733828838428/?type=1&theater


Learn to realize you are having an out of body experience through dream control!
Then when you have become successful with that part of dream control , you will be ready
for this part. You need to advance your dream techniques to where you realize that you
are dreaming so that you can control the dream. Once you realize that you are dreaming
you will find that you can control where you want to go and what you want to do.
Now I am talking about when you have a dream that is in full blown color.
Those type of dreams usually mean that your are actually out of body. You see, when people
go to sleep at night their astral bodies leave and float around the astral planes in a dreamy
state or gathering energy. Sometimes you may be learning things from other higher beings
and eventually it is released in your conscious state later on when these beings think the
time is right. You just have to become conscious of all this.
Here are your key pointers:
Work with dreams that are in full color.
You must learn to become conscious during the dream.
Try to take control of the dream and go where you wish.
When you have achieved control you will know you have had an OBE!
Remember to keep a diary of every experience.
What is Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid Dreaming is knowing that you are dreaming while you are doing it.
When you know that you are dreaming, you can also alter the dream course.
And with practice you can also develop full control over your dream, you will be able to create
and change the environment and change your own appearance. It will be you that are in control
of the dream scenario. You can do whatever you want to do. Live out your wildest fantasy, or just
sit down and chit chat with someone. You should also be open for the possibility to share dreams
and travel in time and space when you develop adequate control over your dreams.
The word Lucid means that you have a clear and full consciousness.
Lucid Dreaming can be much more fun than waking reality.
In what stage of sleep does Lucid Du go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep)?
When approximately 90 minutes have again passed, another REM-period start.
This time the REM sleep lasts longer. And as time progresses less time in non-REM sleep is needed and
more time is spent in REM sleep. After 4-5 hours you don't go lower than stage 2. Vivid dreaming takes
place in REM sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time is spent in REM and the more likely it is that
you may have a Lucid Dream.
Does Lucid Dreaming interfere with normal sleep?
No. The only difference is that you are aware that you are dreaming.
Unless you have some sort of sleep disorder that causes you to get less delta sleep, but then
again, it's not the LD's fault. There is no danger with Lucid Dreaming. But if you have a bad
heart you might have a hearth attack if you crash a car, or during sexual intercourse.
Other than that Lucid Dreaming is one of the safest activities. It can even be used for healing.
What purposes can Lucid Dreaming serve?
Those are so many. First of all, it is lots of fun. You can do whatever you feel like, without
putting yourself in danger, or spending a lot of money on journeys or expensive equipment. It
is great for therapy if you have any psychological problems. If you have a fear of spiders,
that fear can be conquered through Lucid Dreaming. You know you are totally safe in a Lucid
Dream. So you carefully begin with tiny spiders far away, and as you get used to them, you
might let them go closer and make them bigger. If there is something you want to get better at,
like Tennis or Snowboarding, then Lucid Dreaming can improve your skill.
Lucid Dreaming can be extremely powerful for motor skill enhancement.
This is not only true because of the vividness of the imagery, but also because the
physiological nature of REM sleep is ideal for establishing neural pattern without actual movement.
Experiments also show that you can get physically stronger with mental training.
Lucid Dreaming can be used for healing if you have any illness.
If you wish to have your subconscious read at a rate of 1 million words per minute, you can
activate that in a Lucid Dream to gain conscious awareness over the knowledge.
You can meet the author of the book you just read in a Lucid Dream, and ask questions you are
seeking answers for in the book. Or you can sit down and watch the whole novel on a big screen
TV with cinema 3D sound. You can use Lucid Dreaming for solving a complex and difficult problem,
like mathematical problems. You can share a dream with a friend. Or even a whole group of people.
So you can hang out with your friends when you are sleeping too, not only when you are awake.
It is also great being a group of people trying to Lucid Dream. If you find your friends in a dream,
you can tell them that they are dreaming. This way can you help your friends gaining Lucidity, and
they might cause you to gain Lucidity if they find you. If you have full conscious control over
a dream can you also use it to travel in time. You can explore the future.
Even shared precognitive dreaming is possible. With a little practice can you also
use Lucid Dreaming to leave your body and explore the world. By doing this you can also meet
other spirits and travel in time. More about this can be found in the Out of Body Experience FAQ.
Can anyone learn Lucid Dreaming?
Yes. Just like everyone dream, virtually anyone can learn to be aware that they are dreaming.
How long it takes for you to learn Lucid Dreaming depends on how good your dream recall is, how
motivated you are and what techniques you are using. And how many hours you sleep each night.
Hopefully techniques and devices will be developed so that you may have your first Lucid Dreaming
within a few nights. A few techniques and devices have already given results in such short time.
But there is always room for improvement. In order to Lucid Dream you should have good dream recall.
Many helpful and effective tips for developing dream recall can be found in my Dreaming FAQ.
What should I do once I'm Lucid?
Absolutely nothing at first. You might want to try to find out how conscious you are, make sure
that the logical part of your brain is functioning and that all your senses are working. You
need to remember your intent, do some math tasks, recall a few things from your life, what time
it is, what date it is, where you are and stuff like that. Look around you and observe things.
Don't feel like you are in a hurry and need to get things done before the Dream fades.
Also make sure that you are in a dream, not in hypnagogic imagery. All your senses should be
working including tactile feelings. I want to emphasize that you make sure that your logical abilities
are working. Not only do they create your consciousness, they can also create the most splendid
dreams you could ever imagine. Once you are satisfied with your logical abilities you can cut loose
and start controlling the dream.
Learn to realize you are having an out of body experience through dream control!
Then when you have become successful with that part of dream control , you will be ready
for this part. You need to advance your dream techniques to where you realize that you
are dreaming so that you can control the dream. Once you realize that you are dreaming
you will find that you can control where you want to go and what you want to do.
Now I am talking about when you have a dream that is in full blown color.
Those type of dreams usually mean that your are actually out of body. You see, when people
go to sleep at night their astral bodies leave and float around the astral planes in a dreamy
state or gathering energy. Sometimes you may be learning things from other higher beings
and eventually it is released in your conscious state later on when these beings think the
time is right. You just have to become conscious of all this.
Here are your key pointers:
Work with dreams that are in full color.
You must learn to become conscious during the dream.
Try to take control of the dream and go where you wish.
When you have achieved control you will know you have had an OBE!
Remember to keep a diary of every experience.
What is Lucid Dreaming?
Lucid Dreaming is knowing that you are dreaming while you are doing it.
When you know that you are dreaming, you can also alter the dream course.
And with practice you can also develop full control over your dream, you will be able to create
and change the environment and change your own appearance. It will be you that are in control
of the dream scenario. You can do whatever you want to do. Live out your wildest fantasy, or just
sit down and chit chat with someone. You should also be open for the possibility to share dreams
and travel in time and space when you develop adequate control over your dreams.
The word Lucid means that you have a clear and full consciousness.
Lucid Dreaming can be much more fun than waking reality.
In what stage of sleep does Lucid Du go all the way down to stage 4 again (also called non-REM sleep)?
When approximately 90 minutes have again passed, another REM-period start.
This time the REM sleep lasts longer. And as time progresses less time in non-REM sleep is needed and
more time is spent in REM sleep. After 4-5 hours you don't go lower than stage 2. Vivid dreaming takes
place in REM sleep, so the more you sleep, the more time is spent in REM and the more likely it is that
you may have a Lucid Dream.
Does Lucid Dreaming interfere with normal sleep?
No. The only difference is that you are aware that you are dreaming.
Unless you have some sort of sleep disorder that causes you to get less delta sleep, but then
again, it's not the LD's fault. There is no danger with Lucid Dreaming. But if you have a bad
heart you might have a hearth attack if you crash a car, or during sexual intercourse.
Other than that Lucid Dreaming is one of the safest activities. It can even be used for healing.
What purposes can Lucid Dreaming serve?
Those are so many. First of all, it is lots of fun. You can do whatever you feel like, without
putting yourself in danger, or spending a lot of money on journeys or expensive equipment. It
is great for therapy if you have any psychological problems. If you have a fear of spiders,
that fear can be conquered through Lucid Dreaming. You know you are totally safe in a Lucid
Dream. So you carefully begin with tiny spiders far away, and as you get used to them, you
might let them go closer and make them bigger. If there is something you want to get better at,
like Tennis or Snowboarding, then Lucid Dreaming can improve your skill.
Lucid Dreaming can be extremely powerful for motor skill enhancement.
This is not only true because of the vividness of the imagery, but also because the
physiological nature of REM sleep is ideal for establishing neural pattern without actual movement.
Experiments also show that you can get physically stronger with mental training.
Lucid Dreaming can be used for healing if you have any illness.
If you wish to have your subconscious read at a rate of 1 million words per minute, you can
activate that in a Lucid Dream to gain conscious awareness over the knowledge.
You can meet the author of the book you just read in a Lucid Dream, and ask questions you are
seeking answers for in the book. Or you can sit down and watch the whole novel on a big screen
TV with cinema 3D sound. You can use Lucid Dreaming for solving a complex and difficult problem,
like mathematical problems. You can share a dream with a friend. Or even a whole group of people.
So you can hang out with your friends when you are sleeping too, not only when you are awake.
It is also great being a group of people trying to Lucid Dream. If you find your friends in a dream,
you can tell them that they are dreaming. This way can you help your friends gaining Lucidity, and
they might cause you to gain Lucidity if they find you. If you have full conscious control over
a dream can you also use it to travel in time. You can explore the future.
Even shared precognitive dreaming is possible. With a little practice can you also
use Lucid Dreaming to leave your body and explore the world. By doing this you can also meet
other spirits and travel in time. More about this can be found in the Out of Body Experience FAQ.
Can anyone learn Lucid Dreaming?
Yes. Just like everyone dream, virtually anyone can learn to be aware that they are dreaming.
How long it takes for you to learn Lucid Dreaming depends on how good your dream recall is, how
motivated you are and what techniques you are using. And how many hours you sleep each night.
Hopefully techniques and devices will be developed so that you may have your first Lucid Dreaming
within a few nights. A few techniques and devices have already given results in such short time.
But there is always room for improvement. In order to Lucid Dream you should have good dream recall.
Many helpful and effective tips for developing dream recall can be found in my Dreaming FAQ.
What should I do once I'm Lucid?
Absolutely nothing at first. You might want to try to find out how conscious you are, make sure
that the logical part of your brain is functioning and that all your senses are working. You
need to remember your intent, do some math tasks, recall a few things from your life, what time
it is, what date it is, where you are and stuff like that. Look around you and observe things.
Don't feel like you are in a hurry and need to get things done before the Dream fades.
Also make sure that you are in a dream, not in hypnagogic imagery. All your senses should be
working including tactile feelings. I want to emphasize that you make sure that your logical abilities
are working. Not only do they create your consciousness, they can also create the most splendid
dreams you could ever imagine. Once you are satisfied with your logical abilities you can cut loose
and start controlling the dream.
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