powder recipes
Powder Recipes
Angel Powder
talc. Lavender (peace and purification); sandalwood (protection and
spirituality);angelica (protection and visions); orange peel (love);
frankincense (protection and spirituality). Holy water or spring water
for spraying.
This powder brings forth the essence of the
angels, protects from evil spirits, and overcomes curses. Sprinkle about
the altar, the threshold of any portal, door, or window. Burn in a
thurible for general good luck and waft about the room with a feather.
Load into a candle for invoking love and spiritual aid. Use the powder
with a pink candle to attract friendship. Use in conjunction with a
silver candle for angelic messages. Best day to make: Sunday in the
hours of the sun, moon, Venus or Mercury.
Anger Powder
powder (protection and exorcism); black pepper (protection and
exorcism); sulfer (exorcism); asafoetida (protection and exorcism).
around room to overcome feelings of irritation and anger. Helps to
avert future fights and will cleanse the mind of all evil thoughts. If
you are uncomfortable about using sulfur, then substitute basil. This
powder helps clear the head when you are experiencing negative emotions.
You can substitute angelica for Asafoetida (as this herb smells
I don't suggest burning this mixture in a
thurible if you are using sulfur or asafoetida - both will smell awful
for quite some time. The same for loading into a candle. Should you wish
to load a candle, choose the basil and angelica for the mixture. Best
day to make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Atlantic City Powder
Red or green talc. Patchouli (money); lemon peel (longevity); jasmine (money.
to banish a streak of even the worst luck. Sprinkle on your chair
before you sit down to play games of chance. Added to an oil base, the
mixture is very good for anointing talismans, seals, conjuring bags,
playing cards, and so on. Best day to make: Sunday in the hour of
Jupiter or Thursday in the hour of the sun.
Banishing Incense or Powder
talc. Bay leaves (protection and strenght); cinnamon (power); red wine (
strength); rose petals (protection); myrrh (protection); mint
(protection); salt (protection).
Allow mixture to fully
dry before using. Sprinkle to eliminate all bad spirit forces. Should be
burned in a thurible at your shrine or altar during magical
applications or during circle. Also used for Uncrossing. Best day to
make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
(Uncrossing: When a
situation is adverse, then the circumstances are considered "crossed."
Remember, however, that what got crossed over a period of time isn't
going to get uncrossed right away. Early American witches used to say,
"You didn't get sick in a day, so you're not going to get well in a
day." Use magical applications that build or link together when working
with severely crossed energies.)
Beneficial Dream Incense or Powder
or purple talc. Bergamot (overall success); lemon (purification);
frankincense (spirituality); orris (divination); thyme (psychic dreams).
to make all dreams come true, especially those helpful to the dreamer.
Also helps in clairvoyance. Rub powder on the forehead and sprinkle
under the bed for ultimate effectiveness. Best day to make: Monday in
the hour of the moon or Sunday int he hour of the sun.
Blended Trust Powder
Orange talc. Powdered nutmeg (fidelity); orris (love); rose (love); patchouli (lust); basil (to put in sympathy).
A special blend used only to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of Venus
Commanding/Controlling/Compelling Powder
talc. Allspice (healing); orris (protection and divination); patchouli
(lust); cinnamon (power); sandalwood (wishes); clove (exorcism).
when working with rune wights, elementals, or earth spirits. Good for
sprinkling in the path of stalkers, abusers, or general evil. Load into
black candles to keep attackers at bay. Best day to make: Tuesday in the
hour of Mars.
Silver talc. Mastic (psychic powers and manifestation); cinnamon (power); myrrh (spirituality).
forehead with small amount to aid in solving a problem. Clears the
mind, inspires sudden insights into a problem. Sprinkle on divination
tool or load into your meditation candle. Best day to make: Monday in
the hour of the moon.
Black talc.
vetiver (curse-breaking and anti-theft); lavender (protection);
Galangal (protection and curse-breaking). A burnt knotted shoelace.
those who are trying to cast a spell on you. Breaks all forms of
curses. Acts almost instantaneously. Works better when a curse is new,
but good idea to keep some on hand for emergencies. Best day to make:
Saturday in the hour of Mars or Saturn.
Courage Powder
talc. Blue bottle. Vanilla (mental powers); rose (protection and
psychic powers); lilac (protection); lavender (protection).
to give great amounts of courage to those who are fearful or timid.
With an oil base, used to annoint purple candles and wear the oil when
confronting frightening or dangerous situations. Best day to make:
Sunday int he hour of Mars.
Double Fast Luck Incense, Powder, Floor Wash
talc (do not put talc in floor wash). Patchouli (money); rose (luck);
juniper berries (anti-theft). A ground-up dollar bill.
at your business, on the doorway into your home, around any home
business furniture, or in your wallet, purse or pocket to increase luck
and success. Load into candles or put in conjuring bags for money magic.
Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of Jupiter.
Dove's Heart Incense and Powder
Pink talc. Lavender ( love and happiness); rose (love); wisteria (love); lilac (protection).
calm restless souls and solve all problems of the heart. Soothes love
feelings. A good spell link for individuals who are trying to kick a
habit, change mental patterns, or who are under psychiatric care. Burn
in a thrurible to cleanse an area after a fight. Load into candles when
you are working for someone's mental health or for an individual who is
dealing with the cycle of grief. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of
Drawing Powder
Blue talc. Jasmine (money); violet (luck & wishes); lavender (happiness).
on your hands and sprinkle around the altar before calling the spirits.
Helps attract good luck and assistance in important matters. Assists in
quieting the nerves as well. Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of
the sun.
Easy Street
Green and gold talc.
Allspice(protection); cinquefoil (money); clove (money); dill (money);
ginger (money. Cut-up pieces of a dollar bill.
Rub on
hands, sprinkle around business and home, and place in purse or wallet
to draw monetary abundance. Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of
Easy Wrath Powder
Blue talc.
Ashes; red pepper (curse-breaking); rose (luck and protection); jasmine
(love); sandalwood (protection and exorcism); salt (banishing).
on or near any person who is angry over something you have done to
eliminate all feelings of animosity. Also good for overcoming hatred.
Write the person's name who is angry with you (or your family member) on
a piece of paper. Sprinkle powder on the paper, roll into a tight
cylinder, and put in a plastic bag. Put in the freezer. Best day to
make: Saturn in the hour of Mars or Saturn.
Envy and Jealousy Powder
Blue talc. Bayberry (divine love); vetiver (curse-breaking); sassafras (health); yarrow (courage and exorcism).
feelings of jealousy when placed on the door of anyone you wish to gain
confidence of. Use sparingly. Load in candles to break a pattern of
envy and jealousy. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of Venus.
Eliminate Money Stress Powder
Purple talc. Vanilla (mental powers); peppermint (purification); cinnamon (spirituality); patchouli (money).
on the body to attract love and gambling luck. Make a floor wash to
sprinkle about the house to remove bad influences hindering success.
Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of the sun, Mars or Jupiter.
Fates Powder
Black and gold talc. Black pepper (protection); dragon's blood (power); rosemary (protection); patchouli (spirituality).
is an uncrossing powder to be used to overcome the power of a strong
ouanga or curse. Said to be a very dependable powder that works quickly.
Best day to make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Fiery Passion
Red and gold talc. Patchouli (lust); Mandrake (lust); musk (lust).
Increases your sexuality. Sprinkle under bed or in a pocket of your clothing. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of Venus.
Flying Without A Broom
Blue or purple talc. Lemon peel (purification); frankincense (protection); myrrh (protection).
under bed before you attempt astral travel, to aid in travel during
your dream cycle, or to assist in deep meditation. Best day to make:
Monday in the hour of the moon.
Four Thieves Vinegar
John (success); vetiver (breaking curses); Adam and Eve (love); Lo-John
(success); or black pepper base (curse-breaking); red wine vinegar
(curse breaking).
A very popular mixture that has seen
many, many cycles of the seasons in folk magic. Allegedly, this blend
drives enemies from your door. Best day to make: Saturday in the hour of
Saturn or Mars.
French Creole Powder
Purple and silver talc. Lilac (protection); musk (power); bay (psychic power); lime (protection).
special powder designed to make your dreams come true. Helps to
interpret dreams prophetically. Make into a dream sachet to put under
you pillow before sleeping. Best day to make: Sunday in the hour of the
Friendship Powder I
Red talc. Myrrh (healing and spirituality); rose (love); lilac (protection).
many new friends,. Used in glamories to help you appear appealing to
others. Very good for potential lovers. Use in love charms or conjuring
bags. Load in candles before you go to a new school, new job, or other
new encounter. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of Venus.
Friendship Powder II
Red talc. Footprint in dirt; patchouli leaves (fertility); cinnamon (love and success).
magnetism. Pulls others to you and facilitates friendships to develop.
Sprinkle around home, business, or in your locker at school. Best day to
make: Friday in the hour of Venus.
Good Business Powder
Green talc. Frankincense (exorcism and protection); tonka beans (money and wishes).
in a thurible whenever business is bad. Said to bring luck and
financial gain. Helps business and luck. Best day to make: Thursday in
the hour of the sun or Jupiter.
Great Rite Powder
Blue talc. Sandalwood (Wishes); sage (wishes); rose (love); orange peel (love); jasmine (love).
or scatter in room where lovers are to meet, to please the good spirits
and to increase sexual awareness. Wonderful for lovers and the Great
Rite ceremony. Best day to make: Friday in the hour of Venus.
Health Powder
Green and Blue talc. Rose (love); carnation (healing); citron (healing); gardenia (healing).
Used to anoint candles, talismans, or anything pertinent to healing rituals. Best day to make: Sunday in the hour of the sun.
Hecates Powder
Black talc. Iron fillings or tiny nails; nightshade (protection); pinch of black horsehair or black cat hair.
you from all bad spells. Sprinkle on the altar before conducting Z.
Budapest's "Send Him A Nightmare" spell. Also place a little on the
floor. Excellent for use against stalkers, abusers and criminals. Best
day to make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Herb Powder
Green talc. Basil (sympathy); oregano (protection); sage (longevity);thyme (healing); lemon (longevity).
good luck in gambling and will increase the memory of anyone who burns
it. Also commonly used as a health powder. Use in poppets or hollow out a
small portion of a potato, pour in the powder, place a slip of paper
with he sick person's name, close the potato back up, and bury in the
yard, saying:
'As this potato rots, the disease will leave.'
Best day to make: if used for banishing, Saturday in the hour of Saturn. If made for healing, Sunday in the hour of the sun.
High Conquering
Green and red talc. Hi-john (money, love success, and happiness);vetiver (love, luck and curse breaking); bergamot (money).
very powerful means of attracting wealth, prestige, honor, love and
health. Use generously for desired change. Fast action mixture. One of
the best oils or powders for good works. Best day to make: Thursday in
the hour of Jupiter.
Job Protection Powder
Red talc. Musk (power); chili powder (strength); tobacco (protection); pulverized newsprint.
around the Boss' office at work and around your own area on the job.
Forces your supervisor to leave you alone. Stops harassment. Also to be
used in private life to cause one to receive kindness and consideration.
Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of Jupiter.
Jungle Powder
Red and gold talc. Cinnamon (success); Hi-John (protection); white sandalwood ( protection).
to avert curses. Use sparingly. Load in candles to banish stalkers and
avert negativity. Not for novices. Best day to make: Tuesday in the hour
of Mars.
Ladies' Enchantment
Purple talc. Vanilla (love and mental agility); rose (love); jasmine (money); piece of coral; gold glitter.
A favorite among ladies to increase and ensure financial gain. Best day to make: Monday in the hour of the Moon.
Legal Assistance Powder
talc. Hi-John (protection); Lo-John (protection); clove
(protection);sage (protection and wisdom);rosemary (protection); pipe
tobacco (purification).
Very powerful in spell working to
burn in thurible along with a black candle and salt. Sprinkle in your
shoes before a court appearance. Use only to win court cases and to
overcome legal entanglements. Best day to make: Tuesday in the hour of
Magnetism Powder
Blue talc. Sixteen
parts wood base, 8 parts frankincense (protection);4 parts sandalwood
(wishes); 2 parts myrrh (healing); 4 parts cinnamon (power and success);
2 parts orris root.
Highly magnetic blend used to draw
good spirits. Attracts love, power, luck, love and money. Use before an
important contract signing, interview, when buying a car, etc. Excellent
for loading into success spell candles. Best day to make: Sunday in the
hour of the Sun.
Meditation Powder
Purple talc. Lavender (peace); cinnamon (spirituality).
in developing concentration and creativity. Always use when preparing
to meditate. Burn in thurible int he room before you meditate. Sprinkle
in your meditation chair. Best day to make: Monday in the hour of the
Moon or Venus.
Money/Success Powder
Silver talc. Patchouli (money and fertility); cinnamon (success); vervain (money).
good loading powder said to magnetize the candle. Added to an oil, use
mixture to bless candles before a ceremony. Added to holy water and
alcohol, use the mixture to wipe down an altar room. Sprinkle in your
wallet. Best day to make: Thursday in the hour of Jupiter.
Pow-Wow Gretchyn
Rose; gardenia; large open safety pin; smaller safety pins; glass beads (optional).
popular blend. Added to a base oil, wonderful mixture to bring luck and
good fortune to believers. Sprinkle powder liberally when feeling
depressed. Mix safety pins and beads in powder. String small safety pins
and beads on larger safety pin. Wear on your left shoulder to deflect
harmful energies. Best day to make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Protective Wall Powder
Black talc. Dragon's blood (protection); frankincense (protection); myrrh (protection); salt (protection).
to protect the user against any magical attack or unexpected rebound.
Restrains anyone from placing an evil curse on you. Sprinkle around a
room to help ward of curses. Place by all windows and doors. Load into
candles to use in protection spells. Load in a white candle and place
outside of your house to keep people off your property. Best day to
make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Psychic Awareness Powder
Silver or purple talc. Honeysuckle (psychic power); rose (psychic power); geranium (protection).
to increase your natural clairvoyance. Some say that the use of this
powder helps to open communication between yourself and Spirit, allowing
positive vibrations to work with you. Sprinkle under your bed, put in a
sachet under your pillow, or burn in a thurible in your bedroom before
you go to sleep or before you employ a divination tool. Sprinkle in the
box or bag where you keep your divination tools. Place on your chair
before reading for clients. Best day to make: Monday in the hour of the
Psychic Dream Powder
Light blue talc. Musk (power); orris (divination); ambergris (psychic power); peppermint (psychic power); lavender (sleep).
psychic powers and helps you to recall dreams in their entirety. Works
very well in a loaded candle. Also, a pleasant side line: Exposes
deceitful people who are working against you. Best day to make: Monday
in the hour of the Moon.
Return To Sender Powder
talc. Rose (protection); frankincense (protection); vetiver
(curse-breaking); honeysuckle (protection); angelica (curse-breaking);
thistle (curse-breaking).
Used to break hexes or to order
evil spirits to return to their sender. Load into candles when
performing magic to catch criminals. to stop abuse, or return negative
energies sent to you. Best day to make: Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Sacred Ashes
Silver talc. White parchment paper; cinnamon; sandalwood; African Violet (all for spirituality).
the white parchment paper in a bowl. Crush the ashes. Add the herbs.
Mix well. Store in an airtight container. Use to anoint before a
funereal, at Samhain, or on Ash Wednesday. Best day to make: Sunday in
the hour of the Moon.
Stalker Powder
talc. Asafoetida (exorcism); chili powder (exorcism); nettle (to move
away); mistletoe (hunting and exorcism);nightshade (exorcism); and a
pinch of sulfur.
Sprinkle in the path of anyone you wish
to stop bothering you. Also place on your window ledges and front
doorstep. Turns people away on contact with the air. Best day to make:
Saturday in the hour of Saturn.
Sweet Marriage Powder
talc. Vanilla (love); wintergreen (healing, curse-breaking); vetiver
(love, anti-theft, curse-breaking); narcissus (love); myrtle (love);
basil (in sympathy); whit sugar (harmony).
Brings harmony
to a stormy marriage. Sprinkle under the bed or in any room where
arguments take place often. Burn in a thurible in the bedroom at night
when retiring. Gives peace of mind. Add to an oil to anoint white
candles. Best day to make: Friday in the our of the sun or Venus.
Sweet Spirit Powder
Purple talc. Cinnamon; tonka bean; patchouli; vanilla; lavender; gardenia; vetiver.
to attract all good spirits to its user and assits in bringing forth
psychic power. Use both on body (by adding a small amount of oil) and on
altar. Add to incense to burn, as is, in a thurible to cleanse a room.
Mix with holy water or oil to anoint candles. Place in a sachet and put
among your ritual clothing. Best day to make: Sunday in the hour of the
Moon, Monday in the hour of the Moon, or Wednesday in the hour of the
Success Powder
Gold talc. Orris root
(protection, success and drawing power); frankincense (luck); vetiver
(luck and money); sandalwood (wishes; gag root (career success); gold
Helps push aside those who hinder your rise
upward to success. Stops gossip and evil talk. Load into a candle when
casting a spell for a raise, better employment, or a better employment
atmosphere. Works well in money spells. Best day to make: Thursday in
the hour of Jupiter.
Spiritual Strength Powder
- 1 quartz crystal
- 1⁄2 tsp nutmeg powder
- 1⁄2 tsp frankincense incense
- 1⁄2 tsp Orris root powder
- 1 dash saltpeter
- 1 tsp sandal wood incense
SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/notes/760119770773144/