Well, tonight is the night of the last SUPER FULL MOON for 2014 ...
I am excited to go out for MOON BATHING..., but unfortunately,
it starts raining hard....
Meanwhile, i want to share this LOOOOOVVVEEELLLYYY PIC
which I found from this cute FB Page, Temple of Witchcraft ....
I love her SCRYING TOOL...., it's concept, design..., and everything about it....
You can almost feel its energies, just by staring right straight at it...
I would definitely want to own one, and I can just imagine me in front of it...
It's sooooo MMMMM !!!!!!

is a great time to charge up you divination tools.
Pull out that old crystal ball; put it in a tea of mugwort
under the light of the moon.
Just remember to bring it in before the suns light touches it.
SOURCE : https://www.facebook.com/templeofwitchcraft/photos/a.10151831605388281.1073741832.169196463280/10152720883438281/?type=1&theater
Meanwhile, i want to share this LOOOOOVVVEEELLLYYY PIC
which I found from this cute FB Page, Temple of Witchcraft ....
I love her SCRYING TOOL...., it's concept, design..., and everything about it....
You can almost feel its energies, just by staring right straight at it...
I would definitely want to own one, and I can just imagine me in front of it...
It's sooooo MMMMM !!!!!!

is a great time to charge up you divination tools.
Pull out that old crystal ball; put it in a tea of mugwort
under the light of the moon.
Just remember to bring it in before the suns light touches it.
SOURCE : https://www.facebook.com/templeofwitchcraft/photos/a.10151831605388281.1073741832.169196463280/10152720883438281/?type=1&theater
And here's another LOVELY THOUGHT i have come across with in my FB ...,
and again, it is from my favourite page, Spirit Science ....

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