Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Here's the card that I got from
Celtic Spirit Wolf
in her FB Page :THE PAGAN HIGHWAY" ....


Unleash your adventurous side, take risks and be daring.

dont play it safe right now. instead, take bold action in the direction of your true hearts desire.
success comes not from timidity but from committing yourself fully to realizing your dream.
hold the clear intention of success and it shall come about.
enjoy the excitement of taking risks, of being bold, and of being daring.
and be sure to celebrate your sucess with a party or by splurging on a wonderful indulgence.
various meanings...+
~ take a risk,
~ make a bold life change,
~ appreciate your body,
~ flirt,
~ go have fun and celebrate.
Freyja is a nordic earth goddess of fertility, celebration, and passion, freyja rides in a chariot pulled by mighty cats across the rainbow bridge connecting heaven & earth.
Unafraid of her sexual power, freyja teaches us to appreciate our attractiveness, and to enjoy ourselves.
no wonder, then, that the day of the week, friday, was named in her honour, since this day is associated with the end of the workweek and a time for celebration. 


Sunday, September 28, 2014



Let the Universe and other people know 
what you need.

This card serves as a reminder of the importance of asking for your desires. The Universe is much like a restaurant, in that you need to put in your order before anything can happen. Your current situation calls for action on your part. First, spend time clarifying your desires; then tell the Universe clearly what you want. You can always qualify your request with the prayer, "This, or something better...." so that you don't unwittingly limit yourself. However, you do need to make a clear decision about your desires.

Additional meanings: 
Be honest with the people in your life. Tell the Universe what you want. Write a list of your desires. Have a heart-to-heart talk with someone you're in a relationship with about your needs, boundaries, and expectations. Ask others to help you, and accept that aid when it's offered. Expect a positive outcome, and your expectations will be rewarded.

Pulled from the Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue. 

.....And so......UNIVERSE, i humbly ask that I could win the LOTTERY and happily  live the life of a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE so that I could continue doing my craft as an ARTIST..., and be a BLESSING to others....

.....And second, I wanna meet and share my life with my IDEAL PARTNER in life
...THANKS SO MUCH for sending them to me NOW.... 

source: https://www.facebook.com/LightworkerDanica/photos/a.637154196337231.1073741827.637141619671822/803127619739887/?type=1&theater

Saturday, September 20, 2014


 I am loving the thoughts by
The Soulful Woman
I just feel like sharing this...

You know when a new DREAM or desire is right for you because you feel a sense of excitement, purpose or adventure—a big YES within that doesn’t go away. 

Often we want to tell others about our newest dream but sometimes it’s best to take this SEED of inspiration and plant it quietly in the NOURISHING energies of our heart, giving it time to grow strong before sharing our dreams with others. 

Nurture your dreams with love and allow them to UNFOLD in their own timing. Your dreams are your soul’s desire to experience new life and new learning—new ways to EXPRESS your divine imagination and gifts.
And when one dream dies, a SPACE opens up for a new dream to be born. Dreams are always in the process of FLOWING to us.

 You know when a new DREAM or desire is right for you because you feel a sense of excitement, purpose or adventure—a big YES within that doesn’t go away. 

Often we want to tell others about our newest dream but sometimes it’s best to take this SEED of inspiration and plant it quietly in the NOURISHING energies of our heart, giving it time to grow strong before sharing our dreams with others. 

Nurture your dreams with love and allow them to UNFOLD in their own timing. Your dreams are your soul’s desire to experience new life and new learning—new ways to EXPRESS your divine imagination and gifts. 

And when one dream dies, a SPACE opens up for a new dream to be born. Dreams are always in the process of FLOWING to us. 

Artist: Brigid Marlin

#TheSoulfulWoman  #YourDreams
 Artist: Brigid Marlin

source:  https://www.facebook.com/thesoulfulwoman/photos/a.292873514784.139532.289018219784/10152731640749785/?type=1&theater

Sunday, September 7, 2014


Well, tonight is the night of the last SUPER FULL MOON for 2014 ...
I am excited to go out for MOON BATHING..., but unfortunately, 
it starts raining hard....

Meanwhile, i want to share this LOOOOOVVVEEELLLYYY PIC 
which I found from this cute FB Page, Temple of Witchcraft ....
I love her SCRYING TOOL...., it's concept, design..., and everything about it....
You can almost feel its energies, just by staring right  straight at it... 
I would definitely want to own one, and I can just imagine me in front of it...
It's sooooo MMMMM !!!!!!

 is a great time to charge up you divination tools. 
Pull out that old crystal ball; put it in a tea of mugwort 
under the light of the moon. 
Just remember to bring it in before the suns light touches it.

SOURCE :  https://www.facebook.com/templeofwitchcraft/photos/a.10151831605388281.1073741832.169196463280/10152720883438281/?type=1&theater

And here's another LOVELY THOUGHT i have come across with in my FB ..., 
and again, it is from my favourite page, Spirit Science  ....

From previous of articles that I have read from the net..., one that caught my attention most was the HEALING POWERS of CAT'S PURRS....
When I first saw one of those articles, I thought that it was just a NONSENSE TRIVIA....
But I don't know why I often come across with one or two articles that pertain to this....
Well could it be that BASTET is leading me to PAY ATTENTION, since i have this GREEEEEAAAAAAT FONDNESS with her lovely feline kinds.....

Here's one that I want to share to always remind me of her playful grace.... 
This is from my favourite  informative page in FB, the Spirit Science

Cat Purrs Harness Holistic Healing Powers

We all know that the ancient Egyptians worshipped felines to a marvelous extent. There’s no question that these civillians openly celebrated the value of cats and even glorified them remarkably. Their art, culture, and interpreted lifestyle seem to revere cats prominently. This information is well known, yet most of us have often wondered their reasoning behind this unusual behavior. Few have made speculations, but we really just haven’t been able to sufficiently verify these assumptions. Is it possible that the ancients knew something that we might have missed..? Further examination suggests this may likely be the case! :)
Current domestic findings have lead us to the rediscovery of many key factors. These points primarily correspond to the mystery of this “kitty loving conduct,” and as it turns out- the most critical element may most likely be obscured in a uniquely produced self-healing ability, that is exhibited throughout all feline species.

How do we know that CATS 
have “Healing Powers..?”

New studies have provided evidence that the cat’s purr actually acts as a therapeutic apparatus, not only regenerating the body, but also fortifying it to resilient magnitudes. 
The purr has been shown to significantly accelerate the recovery of their bones and organs while also greatly increasing their density in the process. 

These conclusions indicate that the averagely accepted belief in which cats only purr while they are content, might very well be a misconception
 One other reason this might be, is the fact that observation has shown cats to also purr in other less pleasurable circumstances, like when wounded, frightened, or when giving birth. 
This suggests that the purr would certainly play an evolutionary role as some kind of a survival mechanism

Bastet-Goddess Many cats in ancient times commonly received admiration and had also been consequently deified, for their miraculous ability to resist harm and even reduce excessively severe impact. 

 Regular events such as these, likely attributed to the inspiration for the  
“all cats have nine lives” myth 
we have so often heard! ;)
Bastet: The goddess of protection against contagious disease and evil spirits. She is often shown carrying a sistrum in one hand as depicted here.

In what ways did this influence 
cultural history?

Through further investigation and analysis we can assume that plenty of past societies applied a very same use of vibratory healing, much like our feline friends.
 It’s highly probable that similar sound therapy techniques were adopted from the feline genus and later utilized by the Egyptians for medical use

The sistrum, was a sacred percussion instrument in ancient Egypt. (Perhaps originating in the worship of the cat goddess Bastet,) 
Egyptian priestesses ritualistically used sistra, that as we know now, generate copious amounts of ultrasound

Ultrasound is an effective healing modality, and is used today in hospitals and clinics.  
Certain levels of ultrasound have even been known to treat severely life-afflicting ailments, like cystic fibrosis, and various forms of cancer
This means that it is entirely possible that ceremonies in which many sistra were used, were not merely employed only to enhance the musical atmosphere, but were likely intended mainly to amplify the healing effect.

How can we use this knowledge?

 These treatments invoke alleviating qualities, acting as an energetic massage 
relieving pain and restoring the body beyond its typical extent.

This may also be one of the reasons why specific techniques involving spoken mantra have been taught and implemented in the practice of meditation. The word “mantra,” is actually a Sanskrit word, that accurately translates to the phrase: “mind instrument.”  

A mantra is a powerful sound vibration, much like that of a sistrum, or even more so- like a cat’s purr; bearing its own extraordinary hidden qualities.

 This furthermore suggests that it would be most beneficial to experiment with different meditative utterances, in order to heighten our understanding in terms of how each of these tones might rejuvenate and strengthen the body.

Since we’re only limited by our power to vocalize.. that means the possibilities are Endless! 
source: http://thespiritscience.net/2014/05/07/cat-purrs-harness-holistic-healing-powers/


I found another article to which I can relate much to.....
I do find it hard to resist not to share this....the words and the thoughts are very nice..., they make me want to ponder a bit and reflect on the message that it brings....
If I were a gifted painter,
I would paint a world of delight.
If I were a wordsmith of note,
I would create a universe of kindness.
If my voice could entrance generations,

My music would echo round the globe.

I am simply what I am,
A Soul blessed with sight.
I see what the World could be.
I speak of Life, Joy and Love.
I build with my heart,
To the eternal tune of the song of Light.

Paint Your own world in your colors.
Sing Your own song in the key-of-you.
Write upon the ages
The Beauty of your Heart.
Let the Light of your Soul
Create your Own Life.

~Dulce Caramia

Dulce Locuras ~Sweet Crazy Lady~ 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The ringing of a bell has been a spiritual practice for centuries. It is often done before a prayer, divination work, meditation, or healing/ cleansing practices. The high vibrations that are put out by the sound of a ringing bell will help to raise your own vibrations, casting away negativity, darkness, sickness, etc.  It is said that this vibration can reach the spirit world, welcoming & alerting angels or loved ones who have passed on that you are trying to contact them. The same can be done for us, as in some cultures, families will make an altar of a photo or jewelry piece, white candle & a bell, waiting for it to ring after a loved one has passed.  This comforts the family of knowing their loved one has gotten to the other side safely. 
  Bells or Tibetan Singing Bowls can also be used to cleanse crystals or sacred objects, and is done is many cultures or religions before any ritual. This clears away any notions of evil that may be lurking, looking to harm the weak before opening their mind to a higher consciousness.
   You can combined the blessed smoke of resins, herbs & incense with the angelic sounds of bells to clear negative energies from your sacred space & raise the vibrations in the room to a beautiful & loving state.

In Love & Light,
~ Jenna
The White Witch Parlour


I wanna share this picture with an article by The White Witch Parlour ....
 Actually I am using the Bells to cleanse my  Stones and Crystals...., and to clear away negative energies..... but the info below  can add up  to my knowledge...
The ringing of a bell has been a spiritual practice for centuries. It is often done before a prayer, divination work, meditation, or healing/ cleansing practices. 
The high vibrations that are put out by the sound of a ringing bell will help to raise your own vibrations, casting away negativity, darkness, sickness, etc.  

It is said that this vibration can reach the spirit world, welcoming & alerting angels or loved ones who have passed on that you are trying to contact them. The same can be done for us, as in some cultures, families will make an altar of a photo or jewelry piece, white candle & a bell, waiting for it to ring after a loved one has passed. This comforts the family of knowing their loved one has gotten to the other side safely. 

Bells or Tibetan Singing Bowls can also be used to cleanse crystals or sacred objects, and is done is many cultures or religions before any ritual. This clears away any notions of evil that may be lurking, looking to harm the weak before opening their mind to a higher consciousness.
You can combined the blessed smoke of resins, herbs & incense with the angelic sounds of bells to clear negative energies from your sacred space & raise the vibrations in the room to a beautiful & loving state.

In Love & Light,
~ Jenna

The White Witch Parlour