I saw some money rock spells from the net
some years ago...,
and it is requiring to find a SQUARE STONE...
I remember there was an almost-square stone i found
alon the pathway of our yard
I cast a spell on it and used it for business...
Some more years have passed and i saw it again hidden
in the corner of my cabinet in my shop
I decided to take it back at home
and do some re-energizing spells on it....
At the moment that I am typing this,
it is currently the moment of FULL BLUE MOON,
which, as they say,
is really a powerful one
for any sorts of spells....
Yesterday, THURSDAY, I cleansed it in my altar,
as surrounded by the 7 ARCHANGEL statues,
along with my prosperity/wealth crystals...
I began by lighting the tea light,
which I strictly use to communicate with the Archangels....
In front of Archangel Michael statue,
I asked him to banish all the negativities from it...
then I asked the "Angels of Abundance",
namely, the Archangels Pathiel, Gadiel, Gamaliel and Raziel....,
and then the Angel of Prosperity, Archangel Barakiel,
also the Archangels Ariel and Haniel...,
Archangel Gabriel for business-related communications,
Archangel Uriel for manifestation.....
and all the angels of Abundance, Wealth and Prosperity....,
to bless my Stone
with their Angelic Blessings, Angelic Light and Power
to manifest my intentions...
After that, i consecrated it with Fire, Sandalwood Incense, Moon Water,
and lastly, Salt...
then I charged it with my intentions regarding the Prosperity of my Business,
Windfall of Clients and Overwhelming Flow of Cash / Wealth / Money...
I decided to make it as a TALISMAN for my BUSINESS...
I did some meditations regarding on what symbols to put....
First, I have thought of the SUN...,
the Symbol of Good Luck , Growth and Prosperity...
I looked for the proper area on where to paint it....
I asked the STONE if it's ok if I paint symbols on it....
right after that , I noticed the FACE in the middle....
seemingly resembling the face of a child..
So what is this???
Could it be a FAE...? an IMP?
or maybe the "SPIRIT of the STONE" ???
He seemed to be naughty..., as my first impression on him...
But then, i remembered that it has just been cleansed...
and thinking of the powerful cleansing of the Archangel Michael...,
it calmed my negative thoughts about it...
There is no way that the mighty Archagel of Protection could miss
or go wrong....
I always have trust and find much comfort in him...
So again I looked at it and talked to it....,
saying that the stone had been cleansed, and by no means
can any form of negativities remain, as it is already protected...
Again I asked "him" if it's ok to paint the symbol on the sun
on that spot where the "face" is....
I had that hint to leave that area as is,
and painted the symbols on the top side or area of the stone instead....
I looked for some meaningful symbols of Wealth, Money and Prosperity
from the net....,
but I only picked the ones that resonate with me.
FIRST, is the SUN...
for obvious reason, that it is the Great Source of Positive Energies
and banishing negative vibes....
Then I remember painting a gold Chinese Character/s for Prosperity, so I googled for it
The Chinese Prosperity Symbol Lu
The Chinese Prosperity Symbol Lu is a symbol of prosperity, rank, and influence.
Lu actually meant the salary of a government official.
Together with Fu and Shou it comprises the three celestial stars in the heaven, Fu (luck), Lu (wealth) and Shou (longevity).
the way, setting the symbol in a circle supposedly increases its
effectiveness because the circle represents a coin and a coin is wealth.
I used it as the "FACE" of the SUN, instead of a "Smiling Face" ,
then painted gold rays around it....
I surfed for more symbols, and I was drawn to THIS !
The Midas Star – Reiki Abundance and Prosperity Symbol
Midas Star is commonly known as prosperity symbol, but prosperity just
does not mean money,
it also means to bring about success in inter
personal relations,
luck and harmony to us and people around us.
brings around changes in all walks of life wherever there are blocks
helps us achieving our goals.
The symbol signifies, that with steady flow of money, we can establish
our power
and help the society become a better place to live in.
It is
said if a red line is drawn under the symbol the power of the symbol
also the energy becomes much more grounded.
The symbol can be drawn on the cash or cheque, which we receive,
or also
drawn on a piece of paper and kept in our Reiki box
to ensure free
flowing money and abundance.
The symbol is also extensively used in Feng
Shui by painting it in different colours
keeping in mind Ba Gua color
theory and five-element theory with feng shui symbolism in shapes.
(*** NOTE: I simply used the color GOLD, as it is , for me ,
the ultimate color which signifies WEALTH...
..., aside from the fact that it is most appropriate to use with the ever-popular
but i just followed using RED for the line beneath it...)
I also included several Chinese characters which i was most drawn to:
- Prosperity
It used to mean official's salary in feudal China. Fengshui is believed
to be the Chinese way to health, wealth and happiness. (see LU above) |
- wealth, money
Chinese often say money can make a ghost turn a millstone. It is to say
money really can do a lot of things. |
- lucky, auspicious, propitious
Hope all is well. |
I also included some BINDRUNES...There were tons in the list..., but i just selected a few
to which I was drawn most....

Personal Wealth,Financial Security

Success in Business

to encourage a Financial Windfall
I am still thinking of what else to put..... like maybe
Angel's Wings on both sides, etc...
I'll make an update till it's complete...,
but for now.., I guess I am pretty much satisfied....
SOURCES: http://sabrebiade.hubpages.com/hub/Creating-Wealth-The-Prosperity-Symbol,
http://reikirays.com/17810/midas-star-symbol-abundance-prosperity/ ,
http://www.ancient-symbols.com/good_luck_symbols.html ,