Taking the Reins: New Moon in Aries

As we look around and assess the changes sponsored by the Uranus-Pluto square, we can start to dream of a better future, both in our personal lives and on a larger scale. But those dreams must be firmly based in the reality of time, space and Earth if they are to become anything more than escapist fantasies. We'll want to look around to see what structures have been brought down by Tower Time, begin to sort through the rubble, then decide what we will use to rebuild and what is no longer useful. The landscapes of our lives have been irrevocably changed, and we now look to discover the paths through our new world. Cue the Aries New Moon, which brings courage, determination and a bit of sheer bloody-mindedness to help us find our way in unfamiliar territory. But this chart also brings an interesting combination of planets (Venus and Neptune, with Saturn keeping a rather judgmental eye on things) that gives us an opportunity to dream well and truly, but also suggests taking great care in some areas.
(A few main points for astrologers: The unaspected New Moon conjunction shares the sign with Uranus, still square to Pluto, and Aries’ ruler, Mars, is nearby in Taurus, working closely with Mercury, who in turn is working with Venus. Note the Mercury-Venus mutual reception, and that they rule the AS and MC respectively in the USA chart. Venus is in a tight approaching square to Neptune in the seventh house in the USA chart. Thankfully, her opposition to Saturn is wide and separating, but it’s still there, giving a wide T-square aspect. Mars is tightly square Jupiter.)
Aries is the sign of the pioneer and of the warrior, and a good image for this month ahead is The Chariot card of the Tarot. Driving a chariot is hard work. It requires strength, focus, an ability to work closely and intuitively with the horses (sphinxes in the card) and a cause, a vision, a destination for this fast-moving vehicle. Where are you going this month? Find your vision, set a goal, but make sure that goal is grounded in reality, and the vision is one of heart and soul, not vanity and ego. And be willing to work. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, whether you are planting a garden, washing dishes in a soup kitchen, or making repairs around your home — physical work will help keep you grounded and aware.
Staying grounded will be particularly important this month because the square between Venus and Neptune will make it easy to become distracted by chatter, by gossip and scandal, disillusioned by others, and deluded by charlatans, the media, or — worse yet — by your own mind. This is a very important consideration for magicians, because we deal with the intangible on a regular basis, and actively use our imaginations in our work. So spend some time this month thinking about your personal check-in system — how do you stay aware of how well you are functioning in and perceiving reality? Is there congruence between your mental, imaginal, and emotional life and your physical existence? Who do you trust to give you loving, truthful feedback, and are you listening to them?
Magic can be an empowering way of changing your life, or it can all too easily become a soft prison of fantasy and escapism — until Saturn breaks down the door and lets in a big dose of reality. Experienced, successful magicians constantly solicit and evaluate real-world feedback on their magical endeavors. Do you?
Now let’s look at how we can use some of this Venus-Neptune-Saturn energy positively in the upcoming month. Dreams, visions and inspirations that are grounded in reality and backed by accurate information are well-supported this month. Your job is to provide the vision, collect the information and do the physical work needed. There is a lot of creative energy in the air, and if you are an artist or work in a creative field you should be able to tap into the creative flow easily.
Advocating for others is another area that is helped along by this chart. If you feel moved to speak up about injustice, just make sure you have your facts straight, then go for it! But be ready for some pushback — there’s a lot of that “my belief/philosophy/idea/religion is better than yours” vibe in the air this month, and your best response is to make sure you can articulate your values clearly, and focus on staying true to your personal spiritual principles.
Jupiter’s tight square to Mars can be very motivating — and also blow things up in a big way. The secret to handling this aspect well is to seek out, appreciate, and share the radiance and warmth of life. Find it in others, find it in yourself, find it in the Earth, but be sure to share, and keep a close eye out for your ego trying to slip in and grab the reins of the chariot.
Now, as to how this chart is likely to manifest on the national/world stage…
2015 is, I believe, going to be the year in which humanity begins to experience a profound, widespread shift in awareness and consciousness of our deeply-damaged relationship to the Earth. Those of us who have been beating the environmental drum for a while now know how much of what we say falls on deaf ears. “Oh, they’ll think of something” is a common, breezy dismissal of any attempt to discuss environmental problems. We know that nothing is going to change until more people wake up and demand change, and I believe we will see that awakening begin to snowball this year.
This month’s New Moon chart leads me to think that the state of the oceans and water resources in general will be highlighted in the national consciousness this month, and engender a lot of discussion. Stupidity, delusion and general idiocy will not be in short supply — nonetheless, I think an actual fact-based (!) discussion of environmental issues, particularly around water, will be possible. For a change. Let’s all do what we can to contribute.
The foreign policy and legal scenes should be pretty intense this month as well in the USA, with the New Moon falling in the ninth house, along with Mars and Mercury. The ninth also rules religion, which will (inevitably) be a bone of contention. There is a strong suggestion of even dirtier-than-usual ideological battles, and a high-wire act to manage foreign and domestic events through diplomacy instead of force. Keep those peace mantras humming.
The entertainment industry is, to one degree or another, a distraction and influence on the mind of pretty much anyone who doesn’t live in a cave. Sometimes it’s fine to be delightfully distracted, or even influenced. But not if you are unaware of what is going on and the effects of the influence. We may get a wake-up call about that this month, and my guess is the celebrity gossip mills will be running at full power. Do try to recognize distractions when they cross your path, and deal with them consciously, OK?
So, get out that Chariot card, put it on your altar, and take some time to think about where you want to go this month. If you need some insight into where your chariot is headed and how to steer it, get in touch for a consultation.
SOURCE: http://witchesandpagans.com/pagan-culture-blogs/diotima-mantineia/taking-the-reins-new-moon-in-aries.html
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