Sigil Crafting Guide
Cultures around the world have always used magickal symbols and sigils. There have been many different means
of creating and using these ancient and powerful ways of creating magick, and
their use can be quite fun and rewarding. There are countless ways to use them
and each one can be tailored for your specific needs.
How Sigils Work
Sigils are magickal symbols
that are created using shapes and letterforms that are then charged with intent
and energy and released into the universe.
How to Form a Sigil
Write out what you want the
sigil to represent; as specifically
as possible and in the present tense. I find that sigils and all matter of
magick work best when it is something involving you directly, something you
want to change in your life and will be able to see a result from. If you are
creating a sigil that will impact another person or situation outside of your
own life, it may not have as powerful an impact because you never know what
other kind of energy that person or situation is being influenced by. Never do
any type of magick, including sigil work, that is harmful to others.
So, you have your intent
written out, such as “I am successful and happy in my new full time job at the
printing company” if you are interviewing for a new job, then cross out or
erase all vowels and repeating letters.
You are left with
MSCFLNDHPYWTJB. Rearrange and rewrite these letters several times, until they
are no longer recognizable as letters. Do this however you wish, it’s your
energy that you are putting into this sigil after all.
After you have played with
the shapes of the letters, combine then into a single shape or gathering of
shapes. Again, how you do this is entirely up to you. You can use ancient
sigils as inspiration for how to arrange your shapes, or do your own original
thing. If you don’t like the first way you put everything together, draw a few
more until you are satisfied.
What’s Next
When you’ve got the form
you’re happy with, you’re going to want to put it on something that you will
charge and release. Usually, this is something that can be burned, broken, or
otherwise destroyed. Paper, cloth, bay leaves, clay, carved into wax, etc. are
good. If you are really good at
visualization, then you can just hold the sigil in your mind to be released at
will, but I recommend starting with physical forms and possibly working up to
How to Charge a Sigil
Holding the item that the
sigil is draw on or placing your hands above it is how charging is usually
done. You can cast a circle, align your chakras, ground and center, or any
preparatory measures you feel comfortable with first. Raise energy any way you
wish, then gaze at the sigil image and focus on your intent. Picture yourself
doing whatever it is your sigil is designed for, and imagine that it is
currently present and true. Focus this energy into the sigil and fill it with
as much visualized intent and energy as you feel comfortable with. When you’re
done, you should be able to close you eyes and be able to still hold a
visualization of the sigil in your mind.
How to Release a Sigil
Now that you’ve got your
charged sigil, you need to release it. This should be done very soon after
creating the sigil, unless you have a planned time that it needs to be done
(ie. a certain moon phase). Releasing a sigil sends its energy out to the
universe to make your will a reality. For this, the sigil is usually destroyed
by the means that are most appropriate for your intent. You can burn, break,
melt, wash away, etc. the sigil as part of a full ritual or on it’s own. Once
your sigil is released, be sure to ground and center and thank whatever deity
or elements you choose to work with.
(SOURCE: blackivywitch )

dont know about these this could be bull shit but i kept it as my lift
off point to continue when i pic this back up if you have any idea what
this is please do tell me
I know a few posts on sigils have been made lately, but as it’s
something I’ve been doing a lot of (and because I’m being lazy with the
rest of my informational posts) I thought I’d make one.
So what is a sigil?
To me it is a symbol or mark that brings or does what it is meant to represent.
For example, if I made a sigil for ‘clarity of thought’ and sketched
it into my desk,
while sitting there I would be able to concentrate
If I had trouble sleeping and decided to paint a ‘sleep’ sigil
onto my bedhead,
my sleep could improve (done and it worked).
If I was
worried about the wellbeing of my room/home,
I could draw ‘protection’
sigils onto my door (or a gate or property fence, etc).
Sigils can be used for about anything and everything.
Some people
choose to do individual ones,
or choose to combine a few to achieve a
more complete goal.
For instance, if I was having trouble with a
particular subject at school,
the combination of a ‘learn’, ‘remember’,
and even a ‘maths’ (whatever subject) could help me achieve better marks
in the subject.
I’m pretty sure (don’t quote me on it) that a few
sigils activated at once is called a shoal.
Sigil magick is great because it’s easy, simple,
it doesn’t require
any fancy tools, they can be used for all manner of things,
and because
they’re a little less obvious than other forms of magickal workings
(something for the witches in the broom closet).
A shoal of sigils I’ve painted on my bed; sleep, dreams, healing.

Sigils can be simple or complex.
Usually it varies on what they
I find that one word sigils are simpler than phrases.
words usually mean bigger sigils, too.
Below in order; Motivation, Positive Attraction, Talent

Interested? I sure was.
Okay, so making sigils is pretty easy and it
gets easier with practice (for me, it was).
So here is how you make
My first sigil was ‘creativity flows’.
It worked rather well. I’ll
use it as an example.
The first step is to write out the letters.
Next, you cross out the vowels and the repeated letters;
You’re left with
Then it’s easy.
Simply jumble and arrange the letters together until
they are pleasing to look at.
Sometimes this is easy.
Other times this
is harder.
Here’s what I came up with;

So that’s creating sigils.
The next step is to activate them.
Personally I don’t go though much effort to do this.
I just stare at it
and focus on activating it.
But some people chose to do so by in a
ritual or in their personal magickal working space/altar.
Stare at the sigil for a while, merely observing it.
Just look at the
lines, try not to see the letters or the meaning.
Look at it until it
changes or becomes almost alive.
It might move a little, kind of
shimmering, which is how some people describe it.
Lately my sigils have a
little spark of energy when I activate them;
almost like your seeing an
aura, but surrounding the sigil itself.
Whatever works for you.
You should be able to tell when it’s active,
and you can activate them in whatever way works best for you.
(SOURCE: vaya-mernda )
New everyday magic that I’m really liking is
drawing sigils on my body
with lotion
when I’m getting ready in the morning.
It’s been a different
sigil every day so far,
but it’s nice to think about the day ahead and
what I might need a little extra of and make a sigil for it.
Then when
I’m rubbing the lotion in I focus on the intent of the sigil
and it’s
really seem to be helping the last few days!
(SOURCE: underthelaurelwreath )
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