Saw the cards last night, 13th of January 2015...

I was attracted by the 3rd card instantly...
But the first one is sort of fiery,
that I would love to pick it too...
The second one is a combination of both...
and i was liking it too....
I was about to pick it actually.....
But the 3rd card has the strongest pull....
and so i picked it....

Then I saw the meaning of the cards this morning...
And I'm glad with what I have chosen,
as it gives me positive vibrations and energies all around...
Energy Oracle Meanings
Angel of strength.
~Personal power and inner strength~.
This amazing angel brings the news that this is a time of increasing power for you. its not the time to be passive or submissive, but to speak your truth and take action on your own behalf.
You are capable of taking greater control and directing your own destiny, for the power that comes from within reaches out to the universe and beyond.
Inner strength and unlimited resourcefulness flow through you at this time, helping you to create results. Call upon this wonderful angel and on your own inner resourcefulness to bring you the focus and resolve to do whats necessary in order to make your dreams a reality.
You are not weak or ineffectual, so whichever situation calls to you, dig deep and find the strength that has always been inside you. do not fall into old habits of giving your power away- by allowing others to pull on you or be demanding.
Affirmation: Deep within me is an abiding strength that knows no bounds. I have the power I need to achieve all that I want.
repeat daily with positive intent..
Hidden Tactics, Manipulation.
This card comes as a warning that there may be some deception going on in your life. The person hiding behind the curtain is likely someone you know or deal with either personally or professionally.
The duplicity could be regarding a personal issue- like someone spreading rumors or disrespecting you to others. Or it could be a business matter where details are being hidden or even manipulated. Be aware of what is going on in your life. The man behind the curtain is holding a bag of something valuable, so watch your money- and your good name- and make sure you have all the information you need to keep things honest and secure.
A deeper layer of meaning may be that the deception is actually coming from within. Is there something that you're lying to yourself about? In this case, the bag of valuables may be holding things like self-esteem, happiness, and even leisure time. Whether it's about your life or yourself, remember that the universe has a hard time sending you honoring experiences if your energy is shrouded in self-deceit.
I am honest with myself and others, and I attract great honesty, integrity, and support from the universe.
~Blossoming abundance~
Increasing wealth and value.
This card signals a new increase in wealth, possibly in a dramatic and unexpected way.
Be aware that you sow the seeds of your own wealth and prosperity, much like a gardener works the ground and begins to see blooming results take hold.
This card indicates that the universe is blessing you and helping the fruits of your labor to blossom. So smell the flowers and tend to new growth. Be grateful and enjoy!
Abundant wealth blossoms all around me. I see the value in my everyday life.
THANK YOU, Celtic Spirit Wolf ...
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