Sunday, December 14, 2014


Are you a Natural Witch?

Natural Witch
Just about anyone can become a witch, 
but there are some people that just seem to be born with a talent for witchcraft 
and are considered a natural witch.

Below are some signs that you might be a Natural Witch.

  • Have you ever had the experience that you were thinking about talking to someone only to have the phone ring and that person was on the other end. That’s a sign you might be a natural witch.
  • If you’ve had a premonition that something was going to happen and then it did. That’s a sign that you might be a natural witch.
  • Have you had a lucid dream in which some of the things in the dream came true. Then you may be a natural witch.
  • Have you wished for something and as if by magic it happened, this could be as simple as needing some money and then find some money on the ground shortly after. Then you might be a natural witch.
  • Have you ever had the feeling that you’ve been somewhere that you couldn’t have been or had a conversation with someone, but you know that you couldn’t have. Then you may be a natural witch.
  • Do you have feelings that are hard to explain and that the people around you don’t understand. Natural witches are more sensitive to their surroundings than the average person. It’s not that you are sensing something that isn’t there it’s that other people are not aware of all the things that are going around them all the time.
  • Natural witches also tend to be more intelligent than most. They have a heighten awareness that lets them experience things that pass most people by. They are more independent and are not as likely to follow the crowd.
  • They are very in tune with nature. Natural witches have an affinity with animals and usually do well in the garden. They find natures sounds to be soothing, but at the same time energizing.


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