To banish trouble, get some bubbles.
Blow bubbles for a little while without thinking about it.
Try to relax a little. Then, blow a few bubbles more deliberately, and give each bubble a name relating to things that are going wrong in your life—debts, arguments and conflicts, various lackings. Be sure you name things you want to disappear. Do not name people, but rather name your problems. For example, do not name a bubble with your boss’s name, but rather, name your boss’s refusal to give you a raise. Watch the bubbles until they pop—they always do—and imagine that problem disappearing with the bubble.
Put all the nastiness and negativity and doubt into a puff of breath and blow it into a bubble, let the wind take it away from you, and pop! It's gone.
Its hard to be sad when there’s bubbles.
SOURCE: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11694916_10207031739180024_3716157124441766781_n.jpg?oh=85a72055c22e0dcde1a4596697af65ad&oe=561C339A&__gda__=1441182437_e4d8d1c09aa584a8f185730dcb4b6df0
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