Thursday, August 13, 2015


I have been feeling something lately that there is something between my forehead...
It always feel like something cold  is pressing on it, 
or it feels like "swelling".., sometimes somewhat
tingling  ....

I have a feeling that my Third Eye is becoming active though I am not really sure...
So I just worked my fingers to my laptop and search the net 
for some instant info which might help answer my thoughts regarding the matter...

There I saw this interesting article

"How to Tell if Your Third Eye is Open "

 as authored by  S. Ali Myers..., 
stating some points  about the latter... 
Here's what she said:

 Your third eye, also known as the brow chakra, 
 is the seat of the soul and the energy for your spiritual vision.  
As we continue to experience an energetic upgrade on this planet, 
many will find themselves seeking ways of growing spiritually.  
A highly functioning third eye drastically improves your ability to be more psychic 
 and spiritually aware.  
This article will serve as a guide to confirm some of the experiences you are currently having 
and what to expect if it has not happened yet.

I am the type who loves to read interesting informations, if not from book, then i do it by surfing the web via Google.... i always find myself  to be up late in the evening till the early morning, 
having this "HUNGER" for knowledge...
It's as if i never feel tired of searching and digging info....
Now to continue..., 

With the onslaught of increasing spiritual and metaphysical information,
 many people are doing practices and/or have a mindset that is already working 
on opening the third eye more.  
Most people are unaware, on a conscious level,
 that they are already doing third eye work. 

You must remember that 
thought is the first cause of all physical things
 and by simply changing your thoughts,  
you automatically improve your third eye.  
Many so-called spiritualists have enlightened thoughts.

 The range of abilities that one has is dependent upon previous incarnations 
and natural tendencies of the soul.  

Knowing this will put you at ease
 if you do not demonstrate the same psychic and spiritual abilities that the next person may have.  
The goal is to recognize your natural abilities and master them 
and then work on developing other gifts. 

The following list will give you an idea 
of different ways to tell if your third eye 
is activated or opening. 

1. Better recall of dreams 
( Well, I can recall some fragments after waking up....)

2.  more vivid dreams
(...  i can recall some fragments after waking up )

3. feeling peaceful 
( uh-huh! )
4.  urge to meditate more 
( Lately, I have been interested in doing Psionic Magick..., 
and I do plan to do work on exercises ... 
I do plan to meditate and figure out how I can relate to the latter)  

5. more health conscious 
( not so quite ) 

6. seeing ghosts/spirits 
( i used to when i was a child , but now...nah ) 

7. feeling like you’re not alone (sensing spirits)  
(... yep! at times i have that feeling )

8. more creative ideas 
(...well i am an artist...! )
9. feelings of knowing things without prior knowledge (claircognizance) 
(...this surprised me when i was watching a movie series called the "ORIGINALS"...
i can tell what will happen next..., 
like the gay vampire will fall in love with the not-so-gay werewolf leader... 
...and then I predicted that they will have kissing scenes 
--and in the next episode, 
YEP! THEY DID KISS! ....and so on

10. enjoying alone time
( I am an introvert...I always love and enjoy being alone while doingmy stuffs  ) 

11.  having deja vu often 
( comment yet!) 
12. recognizing synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) 
( INDEED!  those Angel Numbers, symbols like finding coins in the hopeless and lowest moments..., those inspiring lines and quotes  out of the blue while surfing the net, etc...)

13. feeling a connection to nature 
( check! i love seeing my Faery Garden and see how my plants are "doing".... )
14. feeling other people’s feelings and emotions (empath) 
( I just have the feeling , by intuition, like even if they do not utter a word, just by lookin at them, I  think i know what's inside their heads ...)

15. attracted to or doing magic  
(....i always do that right in the very core of my   mind.... I have been busy updating
my BOS etc.)

16. having visions or “seeing things” (clairvoyance) 
( lately..., not sure! 
17. hearing things that aren’t “there” to be heard (clairaudience) 
 ( sometimes! )

18. wanting to help people 
(...check! )
19. knowing what your purpose is 
( just recently,  i posted some thoughts in my BOS which says: 
"WHAT IS MY LIFE PURPOSE? " .....and blah blah ) 

20. feeling like your being guided 
(... i have a WONDERFUL GUARDIAN ANGEL ....I always connect to them  )
21. greater interest in psychic and energy readings 
22. more gut feelings 
( UH-HUH )
23. seeing auras
24.  recalling a past life or lives
( hmmm...... i think i have not experienced this yet.... though i am quite curious 
regarding the little birthmark i have in my right hand...,
it gives me the thought.., (--not exactly the feeling--) 
as if it were nailed on the cross or something )

What is Third Eye Activation?

To be honest, your third eye is activated at birth.  Activation simply means to begin.  What we are really doing is working with and enhancing the energy of the third eye.  There are many levels of spiritual awareness and many paths to reach a state of enlightenment.  Here are some abilities that are associated with an active third eye: clairvoyance, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, mediumship, telepathy, channeling, astral projection, psychic reading, telekinesis etc.
More information: What is Third Eye Activation?

Easy Meditation for Third Eye Activation

  1. Place yourself in a quiet and dark room that is only lit by a candle.
  2. (Optional) Play relaxing sounds in the background or play a binaural beat with headphones.  See Meditation MP3s
  3. Sit in a comfortable position in front of the candle (2-3 feet away).  Make sure your spine is straight and your feet are flat on the floor.  You may also substitute with any sitting arrangement you find comfortable (indian style, lotus position etc.).
  4. Stare loosely (glance) at the flame while consciously imagining that the heat is tingling your third eye.  Maintain the glance into the flame and really feel the heat pulsating your third eye.
For an increase effect, chant a mantra like OM during this meditation.  OM is pronounced Ohmmmmmm.  Drag out the “ohmmmmm” for as long as your exhale allows.  Breathe in through your nostrils and exhale the OM.
I recommend that you do this third eye activation meditation for 10 minutes at first and work your way up to 30 minutes or so.  You may practice daily.  For most, the change will be subtle but you will definitely notice a difference in your state of conscious awareness.


Here's another article by  S. Ali Myers called

"Best Crystals for Third Eye Chakra" 

I just had the urge to include this, thinking it's in line  with the topic...

Your third eye is responsible for intuition, visions, premonitions, dreams, spirituality, and other so-called sixth sense abilities.
  Placing crystals on your forehead while you meditate 
or, wearing them as jewelry, enhances your spiritual senses
 by opening up your third eye chakra.



Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli resonates with the upper three chakras: the throat, third eye, and crown.  Lapis Lazuli has been known to enhance dreamwork, thoughts, spiritual power and protection, serenity, and clearer communication.
Lapis Lazuli was a favorite stone in Ancient Egypt, where it was believed to guide the soul into immortality.
Location sources: Russia, Afghanistan, Chile, Italy, USA, Middle East, Chile
Planet: Venus
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius



Moldavite works with all chakras.  Moldavite is unique because it was formed when a meteorite struck earth.  This is why it’s considered an extraterrestial stone because its origin is not of this earth.
Since moldavite has a cosmic connection, it is beneficial for accessing your Higher Self and downloading information from the Akashic Records.
Location sources: Czechoslovakia, Bavaria, Modavia
Zodiac signs: All, especially Scorpio



Amethyst is a very popular crystal for the third eye.  Amethyst promotes divine love and spiritual wisdom.  Amethyst has the ability to pierce between the dimensions making it perfect for the third eye.
Amethyst is basically a great overall spiritual crystal.  A list of benefits include: aura purification, mental clarity, calmness, dream recall, out-of-body experiences, visualization, improved memory, and emotional balance.
Location source: Worldwide
Planets: Jupiter, Neptune
Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces



Apophyllite is an excellent metaphysical stone.  Apophyllite has been known to increase spiritual abilities, especially scrying and past life visions.  It is also good for working with fairies, devas, and the plant kingdom.
Apophyllite has a high water content so its vibration is great as an energy conduit.  When you work with this stone, it will increase your spiritual IQ and enhance your third eye energy.
Location sources: India, USA, Mexico, UK, Australia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Italy
Zodiac signs: Gemini, Libra


Herkimer Diamond

Herkimer Diamond is an extremely high vibrating crystal. Herkimer Diamond is one of the strongest crystals for clearing electromagnetic pollution.  Overall, it is a greater clearer of disturbing energy.
Herkimer Diamond’s metaphysical properties are rich and powerful.  Benefits include: visions, telepathy, soul healing, dream recall, light body activation, and higher dimensional contact.
Location sources: USA, Mexico, Spain, Tanzania, India, China
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Other Great Crystals and Gemstones 
for the Third Eye
: Phenacite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Clear Quartz, Apatite, Celestite, Danburite, Ametrine, Azurite, Blue Tourmaline, Blue Halite, Angelite, Blue Calcite, Dumortierite, Iolite, Blue Aventurine, Blue Fluorite, Scapolite, Girasol, Blue Agate, Blue Howlite, Blue Jade, and Covellite



1. Question

How many deja vu’s in the past year?
  • 2. Question
    Do you remember your dreams?
  • 3. Question
    Do you have lucid dreams (aware you are in a dream when dreaming)?
      4. Question
      How often do you eat meat?
      • 5. Question
        Do you meditate?
        • 6. Question
          Do you drink tap water?
            7. Question
            Do you know things before they happen? (precognition)

            8. Question
            Do you use fluoride toothpaste?
              9. Question
              Are you interested in mediums, psychics, fortune tellers and mystics?
                10. Question
                Do you find meanings in coincidences (synchronicity)?
                  11. Question
                  Are you a truth seeker?

                    3rd Eye Chakra Test


                    You have reached 26 of 44 points, (59.09%)
                    Average score
                    Your score

                    Your 3rd eye is barely open! 



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