Sunday, April 26, 2015



Many of us are not aware that we have a spiritual spouse. 

Spiritual spouse can affect everyone.
 The male entity is called Incubus and the female entity succubus.  

There are sixteen types of Incubi entities.
 A few ways to identify that you have a spiritual spouse are: 

-very realistic sexual dreams (ex: once you've awaken from your dream, you feel as if you have just finishing having sex in real life), 
-another sign is when some people are not able to have a long term relationship (always arguing and fighting with your physical spouse then you break up), 
-not able to conceive or having miscarriages, or sometimes we see shadows around us.

Spiritual spouse can stem from many different reasons such as: 
our parents or fore parents made a covenant with spirits or demons unbeknown to us. 
We ourselves making pacts and not fulfilling the agreement. 
Spiritual spouse can also attach themselves to people that they like. 

Here are some way that you can get rid of incubus / succubus. 
---Some Christians plea the blood of Jesus against the demon 
because that say that incubus do not like the hear about Jesus. 
---Sleep with white clothing and put white sheets on your bed, 
try not to sleep naked, 
---after having sex with your physical spouse take a shower before sleeping. 
Incubus is a minor demon 
so sometimes you can do a banishing spell with sage, sea salt, 
and put a piece of gold at your bedside because gold repels incubus. 
Surround your home with white light and put mirrors facing outwards around youR house 
because incubus does not want to see himself in the mirror, 
doing a sacrifice is a powerful way to get rid of incubus.

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