This reminds me of Archangel Uriel...,
When I asked some things from him on an early morning
when I woke up.....
Freeing myself from feeling worthless , idle and unproductive....,
and asking for his help to manifest my requests out of thin air....,
as I embrace a new life of ABUNDANCE...
I went to the kitchen to initiallly wash my face...., before making my cup of coffee....
The windows were open..., and I actually saw a white feather sitting on the leaf of a grass....
I first thought that it could be a sign from the Angels above....
but i thought..., maybe it's just from the rooster outside....
So I just ignored it...
.I would have had accepted it more if I actually saw it falling in the thin air coming from above...
Then that IS indeed a SIGN....
So..., I just shruged my shoulders with a bit of an unconvinced frown in my face.... face's done...
And I need my cup of coffee!
I headed to the stove area to get the kettle....
and OH !!!! to my GREAT SURPRISE !
I INSTANTLY NOTICED this cute round little feather right on the stove.... and it was WHITE....
I said to myself..., where on earth would this come from?
I already knew and felt that it was the sign from the lovely Angels....
I decided to pick it up and save it somewhere on my table ....
Upon heading straight right into my room to put it in a safe place...,
I again recalled that scene where I actually saw that little feather...
---and of course, that stove....
Then I have thought of FIRE....
which made me recall the phrase " FLAME OF GOD"
...and YEAH !!!
That's the TITLE given to the ARCHANGEL URIEL......
And just a few moments before that...,
I recalled myself calling for him and asking for his help.....
When I reached my room, I decided to place that little feather beneath his little statue on my table...
to remind me of his QUICK QUICK QUICK RESPONSE
for my call....
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