I wanna share this picture with an article by The White Witch Parlour ....
Actually I am using the Bells to cleanse my Stones and Crystals...., and to clear away negative energies..... but the info below can add up to my knowledge...
ringing of a bell has been a spiritual practice for centuries. It is
often done before a prayer, divination work, meditation, or healing/
cleansing practices.
The high vibrations
that are put out by the sound of a ringing bell will help to raise your
own vibrations, casting away negativity, darkness, sickness, etc.
is said that this vibration can reach the spirit world, welcoming &
alerting angels or loved ones who have passed on that you are trying to
contact them. The same can be done for us, as in some cultures, families
will make an altar of a photo or jewelry piece, white candle & a
bell, waiting for it to ring after a loved one has passed. This
comforts the family of knowing their loved one has gotten to the other
side safely.
Bells or Tibetan Singing Bowls can also be used to cleanse crystals or sacred objects, and is done is many cultures or religions before any ritual. This clears away any notions of evil that may be lurking, looking to harm the weak before opening their mind to a higher consciousness.
You can combined the blessed smoke of resins, herbs & incense with the angelic sounds of bells to clear negative energies from your sacred space & raise the vibrations in the room to a beautiful & loving state.
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